Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Subject: Fwd: State of Montana rules EPA / ICLEI programs on Climate Change based on junk science

27 August A.D. 2011

This author has changed the subject line. The focus of the judicial discussion is the lack of consensus in the scientific world of "Our Children's Trust's" "scientific" basis for its case. It's not really a matter of "illegality" but of "evidence." There is "no evidence," because there is "no science" behind the assertions. Thus, it's flat out dead wrong to say that future junk science suits will be "illegal." They may be "frivolous." They may be "sanctionably frivolous." But, they won't be "illegal."

"Regulations" are very rarely "illegal." Why? Because they don't apply until they're agreed to in the first place. It's possible for terms of an agreement to be "illegal," but that's rare where the other party is some agency or other with this or that level of "government."

Declining to recognize horrifically and politically fabricated data conjured in support of junk science is a very encouraging development. We're not quite yet to the "how do you feel about science" stage, yet. That's coming, but it's being held off for a little while longer.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas
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Subject:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: State of Montana rules EPA / ICLEI programs based on Climate Change ILLEGAL
Date:Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:32:43 -0500

Montana may not be a half-bad place to live. (But the do have winters.)

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
-King Solomon (Proverbs 29:16)

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 5:23 PM
Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: State of Montana rules EPA / ICLEI programs based on Climate Change ILLEGAL

For Immediate Release
Make our government more efficient: Stop carbon counting
by Ed Berry
We can significantly improve efficiency in our city, county and state governments by dispensing with all laws and regulations on carbon emissions and carbon counting. These laws are now illegal in the State of Montana.

On May 4, 2011, the environmental organization "Our Children's Trust" of Oregon and a team of six legal groups in Montana filed the Climate Change Petition .

The Petition claimed a “scientific consensus exists that increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) are affecting the Earth’s climate.”

It sought to override the decisions of our elected legislators and to force the State of Montana to adopt regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions without proper review of scientific facts.
The Climate Physics Instituteof Bigfork, Montana, lead and paid for a Motion to Intervene which included 118 Intervenors, 13 minor children, 15 state representatives, 7 state senators, and 8 elected state officials. The Motion presented significant scientific evidence, including opinions of over 1,000 climate scientists, refuting the hypothesis of human-caused Climate Change.
On June 15, 2011, in view of the evidence presented by the Motion to Intervene , the Montana Supreme Court ruled there is no consensusand dismissed the case on its factual substance.

The Montana Supreme Court became the first court in America to rule on the Climate Change litigation instigated by “Our Children’s Trust.” This ruling establishes once and for all, at least as far as Montana law is concerned, that the science of climate change is decidedly not settled .
The ruling forces all who file future GHG-emissions lawsuits to first prove the scientific credibility of their global warming claims. It makes all programs, including United Nations ICLEI programs in Montana's cities and enforcements by the EPA that are based upon climate change, illegal in the State of Montana. Follow the law and save Montana a lot of money.

Ed Berry, PhD, is the editor of ed@edberry.com406.471.1464)

THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE THE ABOVE ARTICLE. I believe that all the climate change propaganda we get bombarded with every day is a tool of the One World Government monsters with the intent of population reduction and total enslavement of all people. Climate change disinformation is only one of their tools. Some of the others are genetically altered food crops that cause diabetes, terminator seed technology that forces everyone to buy new seeds every year from only one or two suppliers, chlorine mixed with fluoride in your drinking water increases the incidence of cancer many times over. This is only the tip of the ice berg. The chemical spraying of aluminum powder and boron with jet aircraft over large cities with the excuse of reducing the temperature dumbs us all down because it gets into our drinking water.

Then you have the Gulf oil spill contaminating the majority of all the seafood eaten in the United States with cancer causing benzene and other chemicles. Crude oil is made into styrofoam and plastic drinking bottles that leach poly plastics into your favorite soft drink. The only thing that is safe to drink is beer out of glass bottles.

Then there is MTBE--a wate product of oil refining that is usually pumped underground into waste wells. It is know to cause cancer. The State of California allowed oil companies to spike their gasoline with the stuff for close to a decase. After is is burned it comes down with the rain and snow into the water systems of every city.

Coal generating plants release radon gas and radioactive radium into the atmosphere. These deadly toxins cannot be filtered out with any known methods. People living in close proximity to these facilities die at a young age. There there are the nuclear plants and the recent meltdown that comtaminated mos of the norther hemisphere--should I continue??