Thursday, December 25, 2014


Philosophers Stone the perfect gift.
What causes ageing? How do you stop it? It’s about speeding up cell division by winding up the DNA so that there are more base pairs per turn. At conception you have 50 base pairs per turn. When you are born you have 25 and at age 25 you have 10. At age fifty you have 5 base pairs per turn and your cells divide slower so your wounds don't heal as fast. At age 70 you are lucky to have three base pairs per turn which means we are losing body cells at an ever increasing rate. To wind up the DNA one must feed the mitochondria so that they can produce enough energy to wind the DNA tighter.

This book is worth over a million dollars to anyone desiring to cure cancer and other terminal diseases. It is about a real substance that exists everywhere in huge quantities. It is an alien science so advanced that it makes mainstream science look like child’s play.
It’s capable of extending life indefinitely and increasing intelligence beyond any known measurement. It has antigravity properties and it can also be used as a food to travel to other star systems. It was also used for telepathy and teleportation.
You can look it up on youtube by typing in ORMUS or ‘how to make the philosopher’s stone’.  My book contains six recipes developed by Fizer Pharmaceutical to make it in your kitchen.  The cost of the book is only $15.00.
Every second you have to rip apart six million body cells and replicate new ones in order to maintain your present shape. It takes a lot of energy to unwind six feet of DNA and replicate three billion DNA, RNA sequences. To do it perfectly without losing DNA requires the proper elements and energy. The mitochondria furnish this energy. We have three or more little alien cells in each of our body cells that produce energy of our human cells. They are known as mitochondria and they have their own DNA.

As of 1990 scientists analyzed mitochondrial DNA from people all over the world and have only come up with 43 different types. At the current time the number of different types of mitochondria DNA is now 48.

Because m-state (monatomic state of matter) particles are so large and the protons further apart the atomic forces holding them together is weaker. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity so they push apart. When you have double the number as in two combined atoms the weak force holding them together is much weaker making it possible to transmute them into different elements. Transmutation of elements is possible. It is done with frequency. The mitochondria are able to transmute the proper elements for cell division by rearranging the protons.

Although scientists tell us transmutation of elements is impossible it is going on inside our body all the time at a rate of six-million body cells a second.
ORMUS was carried in the Ark of the Covenant and put into the priest bread for life extension, brain enhancement and to rebuild their DNA. This technology has been kept secret and used by the priests and pharaoh elite to defeat and outwit their enemies for thousands of years.

Twenty-five years ago I had to start thinking in Quantum Field Technology in order to understand this material. It took me five years to write the book and my head was spinning in higher dimensions before I finished it. So far I have had about 1000 medical doctors read it and it has been traded around to various university libraries.

Entanglement consists in opposite spins resulting from momentum preservation at the moment of decay/creation. They are not connected by any transcendental cordon umbilical, but have opposite spins. The claim is that by measuring one I know the other.
M-state are combined atoms with all the protons in the center so the nucleus is 8 times larger than a normal atom. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity. When you have double the number as in the higher elements, gold, and platinum group they push apart so the nucleus is eight times larger than an atom. The electrons pair up called; Cooper Pairing in opposite directions forming a ring. Since they are passing each other at twice the speed of light they produce an in credibly high magnetic frequency pulse. Because the particles are so large (about 50 times larger than an atom) the atomic forces between the particles are much weaker than an atom. This makes transmutation of elements possible because they can be ripped apart and transformed into different elements quite easily by using magnetic pulses.

When charged up with photons the electrons have more energy and the m-state particles disappear from third dimension. When they cool off they reappear. Their unique shape reproduces magnetic fields with no loss of power and repels away from magnetic fields.

When you put in a Mason jar, small magnetic fields will push it through the glass molecules. You have to place the Mason jar inside a metal can (Faraday shield) and keep it in the fridge. Steel wool packed around the outside of the Mason jar between the metal can offers additional shielding. What you are creating here is a Faraday cage. After you have purified a batch you have to keep it in the fridge because bacteria and mold loves the stuff. It’s an ideal growing medium.

It is their unique shape that determines their properties. The best information I can gather and my own experience say they outnumber third dimensional matter at ratios of 10,000 to 1 (probably much more near the poles of black holes). Their shape dictates that they repel magnetic fields and fit the technical definition of a superconductor in that they magnetically resonant couple with each other given magnetic fields of the proper high frequency and they do it with no loss of power. Thus their very existence explains quantum entanglement.

The ancients put it in their bread for higher enlightenment and longevity. They carried it in the Ark of the Covenant which was a wood box made of insulating wood and metal designed to exclude magnetic fields. King Solomon made most of his money selling bread. His bread was highly prized by the kings, priests and princes of other nations who didn't have the technology to make it.

When they opened the Great Pyramid in 1909 there was a very fine white powder on the walls and floor. Due to its physical shape the particles have anti gravity properties. They swept it up and sent some to London England. They didn't have the testing facilities to test for rhodium and gold in M-state so they threw it away.

In 1948 American soldiers were digging through two 20 by 20-foot store rooms ten feed deep filled with a white powder. They were looking for gold and didn't realize what they were digging through was gold in the m-state.

In the same year archaeologists were excavating an Egyptian gold mine on the Sinai Peninsula. They found six ten by twelve store rooms off to the side and one of them contained six-inches of a very fine white powder. The desert winds blew it away. Mankind has used the stuff for thousands of years for power and but our modern civilization hasn't got a clue.

I believe the original purpose of the Ark was to communicate with other planets. The story goes; Moses and other adepts could bring forth the Shikana Glory (electric discharge from the M-state inside the Ark) by concentrating on it from a distance. Brain power alone was creating an electron cascade. They ate the stuff and it goes through the blood brain barrier combines with fat and stays there. A powerful adept using 80% instead of the human five or ten percent of their brain practicing fifty or a hundred years could produce holographic images or strong thought patterns taking the place of verbal communication.

The information was transmitted instantly to other planets where a similar device was set up in a pyramid. They didn't have to wait years for the slow speed of light to transmit and receive information to the other side of the galaxy or even other galaxies. They worked with nature.

Moses and his brother Aaron used it to defeat their enemies by transmitting commands into the heads of the generals or even to stop their hearts if they didn't retreat.

To learn more about the mysterious m-state, the magic Hebrew MFKZT powder read my book: Philosopher’s Stone. For orders of twenty or more go to: The best way to get it is to call 1-877-buy book. It is also listed on and my web sites:

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


How Artificial Sweeteners Confuse Your Body into Storing Fat and Inducing Diabetes

December 23, 2014 |

By Dr. Mercola
As noted in the featured video, there are currently five different artificial sweeteners on the market. The one you're most likely to encounter is aspartame, which also tends to be the worst of the bunch.
Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are primarily promoted to diabetics and those concerned about their weight. This despite the fact that artificial sweeteners have repeatedly been shown to produce the exact opposite effects:
Over time, artificial sweeteners have also crept into a wide variety of products not directly targeting diabetics and dieters.
Artificial sweeteners are added to about 6,000 different beverages, snacks, and food products, making label-reading an ever pressing necessity. Disturbingly, food industry groups are now trying to hide the presence of artificial sweeteners in certain foods...

Like GMOs, Industry Wants to Hide Artificial Sweeteners in Foods

Last year, the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) filed a petition with the FDA requesting the agency amend the standard of identity for milk and 17 other dairy products, in order to allow for the addition of artificial sweeteners without having to indicate their use on the label.
The IDFA claims the proposed amendments would "promote more healthful eating practices and reduce childhood obesity by providing for lower-calorie flavored milk products" since many children are more inclined to drink flavored milk products than unflavored milk.
Not only is IDFA behind the push to put aspartame in milk,  but they are also one of four trade organizations suing Vermont1 in an effort to overturn the state's GMO labeling law, which was passed in May.
It would seem that, far from being concerned about providing Americans with high quality dairy, the IDFA is wholly invested in deceiving the American public for the benefit of the chemical technology industry. Why else would they be so insistent on hiding ingredients that are suspected of harmful effects?

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Metabolic Confusion

One of the reasons why artificial sweeteners do not help you lose weight relates to the fact that your body is not fooled by sweet taste without accompanying calories.2,3
When you eat something sweet, your brain releases dopamine, which activates your brain's reward center. The appetite-regulating hormone leptin is also released, which eventually informs your brain that you are "full" once a certain amount of calories have been ingested.
However, when you consume something that tastes sweet but doesn't contain any calories, your brain's pleasure pathway still gets activated by the sweet taste, but there's nothing to deactivate it, since the calories never arrive.  
Artificial sweeteners basically trick your body into thinking that it's going to receive sugar (calories), but when the sugar doesn't come, your body continues to signal that it needs more, which results in carb cravings.
Besides worsening insulin sensitivity and promoting weight gain, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners also promote other health problems associated with excessive sugar consumption, including:
  • Cardiovascular disease and stroke4,5,6
  • Alzheimer's disease. While poor diet is a major driver of Alzheimer's in general (the primary culprits being sugar/fructose and grains, especiallygluten), the key mechanism of harm here appears to be methanol toxicity—a much-ignored problem associated with aspartame in particular.
    In a previous interview, toxicology expert Dr. Woodrow Monte (author of the book While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills7), explains the links between aspartame and methanol toxicity and the formation of toxic formaldehyde.

Research Overwhelmingly Refutes 'Diet' Claims of Artificial Sweeteners

Contrary to industry claims, research over the last 30 years—including several large scale prospective cohort studies—have shown that artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite, increase cravings for carbs, and produce a variety of metabolic dysfunctions that promote fat storage and weight gain—often to the researchers' great surprise.
Below is sampling of some of the studies published through the years, clearly refuting the beverage industry's claims that diet soda aids weight loss. The 2010 review in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine8 is particularly noteworthy.
It provides a historical summary of artificial sweeteners in general, along with epidemiological and experimental evidence showing that artificial sweeteners tends to promote weight gain. It also illustrates that as usage of artificial sweeteners has risen, so has obesity rates.
obesity trends
Source: Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine June 8 2010: v83(2)

Preventive Medicine19869This study examined nearly 78,700 women aged 50-69 for one year. Artificial sweetener usage increased with relative weight, and users were significantly more likely to gain weight, compared to those who did not use artificial sweeteners—regardless of their initial weight. 
According to the researchers, the results "were not explicable by differences in food consumption patterns. The data do not support the hypothesis that long-term artificial sweetener use either helps weight loss or prevents weight gain."
Physiology and Behavior, 198810In this study, they determined that intense (no- or low-calorie) sweeteners can produce significant changes in appetite. Of the three sweeteners tested, aspartame produced the most pronounced effects.
Physiology and Behavior, 199011Here, they found that aspartame had a time-dependent effect on appetite, "producing a transient decrease followed by a sustained increase in hunger ratings."
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 199112In a study of artificial sweeteners performed on college students, there was no evidence that artificial sweetener use was associated with a decrease in their overall sugar intake either.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 200313This study, which looked at 3,111 children, found that diet soda, specifically, was associated with higher BMI.
International Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders,200414This Purdue University study found that rats fed artificially sweetened liquids ate more high-calorie food than rats fed high-caloric sweetened liquids. The researchers believe the experience of drinking artificially sweetened liquids disrupted the animals' natural ability to compensate for the calories in the food.
San Antonio Heart Study, 200515Data gathered from the 25-year long San Antonio Heart Study also showed that drinking diet soft drinks increased the likelihood of serious weight gain – far more so than regular soda.16 On average, for each diet soft drink the participants drank per day, they were 65 percent more likely to become overweight during the next seven to eight years, and 41 percent more likely to become obese.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 200517In this two-year long study, which involved 166 school children, increased diet soda consumption was associated with higher BMI at the end of the trial.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 200618The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study included 2,371 girls aged 9-19 for 10 years. Soda consumption in general, both regular and diet, was associated with increase in total daily energy intake.
Journal of Biology and Medicine, 201019This study delves into the neurobiology of sugar cravings and summarizes the epidemiological and experimental evidence concerning the effect of artificial sweeteners on weight. 
According to the authors: "[F]indings suggest that the calorie contained in natural sweeteners may trigger a response to keep the overall energy consumption constant. ...Increasing evidence suggests that artificial sweeteners do not activate the food reward pathways in the same fashion as natural sweeteners… [A]rtificial sweeteners, precisely because they are sweet, encourage sugar craving and sugar dependence."
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 201020This review offers a summary of epidemiological and experimental evidence concerning the effects of artificial sweeteners on weight, and explains those effects in light of the neurobiology of food reward. It also shows the correlation between increased usage of artificial sweeteners in food and drinks, and the corresponding rise in obesity. More than 11,650 children aged 9-14 were included in this study. Each daily serving of diet beverage was associated with a BMI increase of 0.16 kg/m2
Appetite, 201221Here, researchers showed that saccharin and aspartame both cause greater weight gain than sugar, even when the total caloric intake remains similar.
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 201322This report highlights the fact that diet soda drinkers suffer the same exact health problems as those who opt for regular soda, such as excessive weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.23,24 The researchers speculate that frequent consumption of artificial sweeteners may induce metabolic derangements.
Nature, 201425This study was able to clearly show causality, revealing there's a direct cause and effect relationship between consuming artificial sweeteners and developing elevated blood sugar levels.
People who consumed high amounts of artificial sweeteners were found to have higher levels of HbA1C—a long-term measure of blood sugar—compared to non-users or occasional users of artificial sweeteners.

Seven volunteers who did not use artificial sweeteners were then recruited, and asked to consume the equivalent of 10-12 single-dose packets of artificial sweeteners daily for one week.

Four of the seven people developed "significant disturbances in their blood glucose," according to the researchers. Some became pre-diabetic within just a few days. The reason for this dramatic shift was traced back to alterations in gut bacteria. Some bacteria were killed off, while others started proliferating.
PLOS One, 201426This study, which was done on rats, using aspartame, also found an increased risk of glucose intolerance. Animals that consume artificial sweeteners ended up with raised levels of propionate—short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) involved in sugar production. Consumption of artificial sweeteners shifted gut microbiota to produce propionate, which generated higher blood sugar levels.

Latest Research Reveals New Mechanism of Harm

    Research published in the journal Nature27 in September of this year (see list above) reveals another, previously unknown, mechanism by which artificial sweeteners make you pack on unwanted pounds and disrupt your metabolic function. Most importantly, this study proves causation. In recent years, we've learned that gut microbes play a significant role in human health. Certain gut microbes have been linked to obesity, for example, and as it turns out, artificial sweeteners disrupt your intestinal microflora28,29,30,31—thereby raising your risk of both obesity and diabetes.

    Specifically, the researchers found that artificial sweeteners alter metabolic pathways associated with metabolic disease. Decreased function was observed in pathways associated with the transport of sugar in the body, for example. Artificial sweeteners were also found to induce gut dysbiosis and glucose intolerance in otherwise healthy people. Of the artificial sweeteners tested, saccharin (Sweet'N Low) had the strongest impact, followed by sucralose and aspartame. Glucose intolerance is a well-known precursor to type 2 diabetes, but it also plays a role in obesity, because the excess sugar in your blood ends up being stored in your fat cells.According to the authors of this widely publicized study:32

        "[W]e demonstrate that consumption of commonly used non-caloric artificial sweeteners formulations drives the development of glucose intolerance through induction of compositional and functional alterations to the intestinal microbiota... Collectively, our results link non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) consumption, dysbiosis and metabolic abnormalities, thereby calling for a reassessment of massive NAS usage."

    The following month, another study came out with very similar findings. This one, published in PLOS One,33 found that when rats were fed aspartame, it shifted their gut microbiota, causing it to produce propionate—short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) involved in sugar production—which led to elevations in blood sugar. 

Reclaim Your Health by Ditching Artificially Sweetened 'Diet' Foods

    When you add together the various routes of harm—from confusing your body with sweet taste without calories, to altering your gut bacteria for the worse—it becomes easy to see how artificial sweeteners have likely played a role in worsening the obesity and diabetes epidemics since their emergence in our food supply. I strongly recommend avoiding all artificial sweeteners, and to read food labels to make sure you're not inadvertently consuming them. They're added to some 6,000 different beverages, snacks, and food products, so there's no telling where they might be hiding.

    As for safer sweetener options, you could use stevia or Luo Han, both of which are safe natural sweeteners. Keep in mind however that if you struggle with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or extra weight, then you have insulin sensitivity issues and would probably benefit from avoiding ALL sweeteners.

    Unfortunately, just like sugar, artificial sweeteners can cause you to become addicted to them. If you find you have trouble quitting diet soda or other artificially sweetened products, I suggest trying Turbo Tapping. This is a version of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that is specifically geared toward combating sugar cravings. For instructions, please see the article, "Turbo Tapping: How to Get Rid of Your Soda Addiction." The video below with EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman also demonstrates how to use EFT to fight food cravings of all kinds.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

PHILOSOPHERS STONE best gift ever.

This book is worth a million dollars for anyone desiring to cure all disease and extend your life and eliminate pain. It done by feeding the mitochondria for complete cell division. The cost is $15. I wrote it 25 years ago. It is a first grade primer on the food of the Gods. They wanted the gold to burn it into the white powder. Its not fiction.

Carried in the Ark of the Covenant the white powder of gold or M-state was put into the priest bread for life extension, brain enhancement and to rebuild DNA. This technology has been kept secret and used by the priests and pharaoh elite to defeat their enemies for thousands of years.

Twenty-five years ago I had to start thinking in Quantum Field Technology in order to understand this material. It took me five years to write the book and my head was spinning in higher dimensions before I finished it. So far I have had about 1000 medical doctors read it and it has been traded around to various university libraries.

Entanglement consists in opposite spins resulting from momentum preservation at the moment of decay/creation. They are not connected by any transcendental cordon umbilical, but have opposite spins. The claim is that by measuring one I know the other.
M-state are combined atoms with all the protons in the center so the nucleus is 8 times larger than a normal atom. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity. When you have double the number as in the higher elements, gold, and platinum group they push appart so the nucleus is eight times larger than an atom. The electrons pair up (Cooper Pair) in opposite directions forming a ring and passing each other at twice the speed of light. Because the particles are so large (about 50 times larger than an atom) the atomic forces between the particles are much weaker than an atom. This makes transmutation of elements possible because they can be ripped apart and transformed into different elements quite easily by magnetic pulses. Planck's constant: E=HF rules.

When charged up with photons the electrons have more energy and the m-state particles disappear from third dimension. When you cool them off the reappear. Their unique shape reproduce magnetic fields with no loss of power and repels away from magnetic fields.

It’s hard to keep them in a Mason jar as magnetic fields push them through the glass molecules. You have to place the Mason jar inside a metal can (Faraday shield) and keep it in the fridge. Steel wool packed around the outside of the Mason Jar between the metal can offers additional shielding. What you are creating here is a Faraday cage. After you have purified a batch you have to keep it in the fridge because mold loves the stuff.

It is their unique shape that determines their properties. The best information I can gather and my own experience say they outnumber third dimensional matter at ratios of 10,000 to 1 (probably much more near the poles of black holes). Their shape dictates that they repel magnetic fields and fit the technical definition of a superconductor in that they magnetically resonant couple with each other given magnetic fields of the proper high frequency and they do it with no loss of power. Thus their very existence explains quantum entanglement.

The ancients put it in their bread for higher enlightenment and longevity. They carried it in the Ark of the Covenant which was a wood box made of insulating wood and metal designed to exclude magnetic fields. King Solomon made most of his money selling bread. His bread was highly prized by the kings, priests and princes of other nations who didn't have the technology to make it.

When they opened the Great Pyramid in 1909 there was a very fine white powder on the walls and floor. Due to its physical shape the particles have anti gravity properties. They swept it up and sent some to London England. They didn't have the testing facilities to test for rhodium and gold in M-state so they threw it away.

In 1948 American soldiers were digging through two 20 by 20-foot store rooms ten feed deep filled with a white powder. They were looking for gold and didn't realize what they were digging through was gold in the m-state.

In the same year archaeologists were excavating an Egyptian gold mine on the Sinai Peninsula. They found six ten by twelve store rooms off to the side and one of them contained six-inches of a very fine white powder. The desert winds blew it away. Mankind has used the stuff for thousands of years for power and but our modern civilization hasn't got a clue.

I believe the original purpose of the Ark was to communicate with other planets. The story goes; Moses and other adepts could bring forth the Shikana Glory (electric discharge from the M-state inside the Ark) by concentrating on it from a distance. Brain power alone was creating an electron cascade. They ate the stuff and it goes through the blood brain barrier combines with fat and stays there. [David Hudson did platinum, rhodium and gold tests on dried sheep, cow and pig brains to discover that 5% was precious metals.] A powerful adept using 80% instead of the human five or ten percent of their brain practicing fifty or a hundred years could produce holographic images or at least strong thought patterns taking the place of verbal communication.

The information was transmitted instantly to other planets where a similar device was set up in a pyramid. They didn't have to wait years for the slow speed of light to transmit and receive information to the other side of the galaxy or even other galaxies. They worked with nature.

Moses and his brother Aaron used it to defeat their enemies by transmitting commands into the heads of the generals or even to stop their hearts if they didn't retreat.

Every second you have to rip apart six million body cells and replicate new ones in order to maintain your present shape. It takes a lot of energy to unwind six feet of DNA and replicate three billion DNA, RNA sequences. To do it perfectly without loosing DNA requires the proper elements and energy. The mitochondria furnish this energy. We have three or more little alien cells in each of our body cells that produce energy of our human cells. They are known as mitochondria and they have their own DNA.

Scientists have analyzed mitochondria from people all over the world and have only come up with 43 different types of mitochondrial DNA.

Because m-state (monatomic state of matter) particles are so large and the protons further apart the atomic forces holding them together is weaker. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity. When you have double the number as in two combined atoms the weak force holding them together is weaker making transmutation of elements possible. It is done with frequency. The mitochondria are able to transmute the proper elements for cell division.

To put a little math behind the transmutation of elements try E=HF Planck’s Constant. Energy equals 1.616 times frequency. When you get up in the megahertz range of the mitochondria and the human body you have enough energy to pull protons out of combined atoms that have lots of protons such as m-state gold and the six platinum group metals.

Although scientists tell us transmutation of elements is impossible it is going on inside our body all the time at a rate of six-million body cells a second.

To learn more about the mysterious m-state, the magic Hebrew MFKZT powder read my book: Philosopher’s Stone. For orders of twenty or more go to: It is also listed on and my web sites: