Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Falling Sea Level Upsets Theory of Global Warming
By Mark Chipperfield in Tuvalu and David Harrison in London
Article from The Telegraph
6 August 2000

In the early 1990s, scientists forecast that the coral atoll of nine islands - which is only 12ft above sea level at its highest point - would vanish within decades because the sea was rising by up to 1.5in a year. However, a new study has found that sea levels have since fallen by nearly 2.5in and experts at Tuvalu's Meteorological Service in Funafuti, the islands' administrative centre, said this meant they would survive for another 100 years.
They said similar sea level falls had been recorded in Nauru and the Solomon Islands, which were also considered to be under threat. The release of the data from Tuvalu, formerly part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, will renew scientific debate about climate change and its impact on ocean levels. The island's scientists admitted they were surprised and "a little embarrassed" by the change, which they blame on unusual weather conditions caused by El Nino in 1997.

Hilia Vavae, the Metereological Service's director, said: "This is certainly a bit of a shock for us because we have been experiencing the effect of rising oceans for a long time." Although their country has been saved from imminent engulfment, not all islanders are happy about the change in Tuvalu's fortunes. Residents who once worried about their homes being flooded are now complaining that the lower tides are disrupting their fishing expeditions, making it difficult to moor their boats and navigate low-lying reefs. 

All the hype about human caused climate change is disinformation to force you into the One World Order where you will be living in a smaller house or yurt, have fewer children, drive a smaller car and burn oil forever.

They want to keep us on this planet as energy slaves using false propaganda. Sea levels in Cook Inlet, Kodiak have been dropping 3-feet in 100 years--this according to NOAA's actual tide measurement stations. Below is another article on lower sea levels.

Oceans to fall over thousands of years not rise.

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
OSLO | Thu Mar 6, 2008 2:06pm EST
OSLO (Reuters) - Sea levels are set to fall over millions of years, making the current rise blamed on climate change a brief interruption of an ancient geological trend, scientists said on Thursday.
They said oceans were getting deeper and sea levels had fallen by about 170 meters (560 ft) since the Cretaceous period 80 million years ago when dinosaurs lived. Previously, the little-understood fall had been estimated at 40 to 250 meters.
"The ocean floor has got on average older and gone down and so the sea level has also fallen," said Bernhard Steinberger at the Geological Survey of Norway, one of five authors of a report in the journal Science.
"The trend will continue," he told Reuters.
A computer model based on improved understanding of shifts of continent-sized tectonic plates in the earth's crust projects more deepening of the ocean floor and a further sea level decline of 120 meters in 80 million years' time.
If sea levels were to fall that much now, Russia would be connected to Alaska by land over what is now the Bering Strait, Britain would be part of mainland Europe and Australia and Papua island would be the same landmass.
The study aids understanding of sea levels by showing that geology has played a big role alongside ice ages, which can suck vast amounts of water from the oceans onto land.
"If we humans still exist in 10, 20 or 50 million years, irrespective of how ice caps are waxing and waning, the long term ... is that sea level will drop, not rise," said lead author Dietmar Muller of the University of Sydney.
Over time, Muller told Science in a podcast interview there would be fewer mid-ocean ridges and a shift to more deep plains in the oceans as continents shifted. The Atlantic would widen and the Pacific shrink.
Still, the projected rate of fall works out at 0.015 centimeters a century -- irrelevant when the U.N. Climate Panel estimates that seas will rise by 18-59 cms by 2100 because of global warming stoked by human use of fossil fuels.
"Compared to what is expected due to climate change, the fall is negligible," said Steinberger. Cities from Miami to Shanghai are threatened by rising seas that could also swamp low-lying island nations in the Pacific.
Rising temperatures raise sea levels because water in the oceans expands as it warms, and many glaciers are melting into the seas.
Antarctica and Greenland now contain enough ice to raise sea levels by 50 meters if they all melted, the article said. If all ice on land were gone in 80 million years' time, the net drop in ocean levels would be 70 meters rather than the projected 120.
The study challenges past belief that sea levels might have been only 40 meters higher than today in the Cretaceous period by arguing that measurements from New Jersey in the United States had underestimated the fall.
It said that the New Jersey region had itself subsided by 105 to 180 meters in the period, skewing the readings.
-- For Reuters latest environment blogs click on:
(Editing by Andrew Roche

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Saddest Cities in America

America's Saddest Cities Are Nothing to Cry About
Posted by Amy Reiter
on December 6, 2011 at 9:00 AM
It's hard to know how much a person's mood is determined by the city in which they live. But many of us can point to cities that make us happy (in my case, New York, Baltimore, Chicago) and cities that make us sad (I wept almost every day of the 10 months I lived in another city I won't name). The funny thing is, what makes a city a happy or sad place for someone is often deeply personal. And sometimes, even in a city that might seem to lend itself to the blues, there are compensating factors, things you can find there that may just cheer you right up: The weather in Seattle may be gloomy, for example, but you can always get a mood boost from that great coffee!
Anyhow, Men's Health recently came up with its list of the saddest cities in America, basing its rankings on suicide and unemployment rates, the percentage of households in which someone is on antidepressants, and the number of people who say they feel down either all or most of the time.
The results may surprise you, as they did me.

For instance, even though Florida is super-sunny, it's also apparently super-sad, with three cities in the top 10. The very pretty St. Petersburg, Florida, in fact, ranks atop Men's Health's list as the Saddest City in America. I know the people who live there can't feel very happy about that!

Here's the whole top 10:

St. Petersburg, FL
Detroit, MI
Memphis, TN
Tampa, FL
Louisville, KY
St. Louis, MO
Birmingham, AL
Miami, FL
Reno, NV
Las Vegas, NV

Perhaps the sad people living in these cities will cheer up now that their misery has been validated. If not, and they want to make a change for the cheerier, they could always move to one of the cities on Men's Health's related list of "blues-proof" cities. Top of that list -- Honolulu, Hawaii. Aloha, happiness!

Do you think the city you live in can affect your mood?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mysterious Human Skeleton Discovered in Saudi Arabia Posted by Hello

Recent gas exploration activity in the south east region of the Arabian desert uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Arabian desert is called the Empty Quarter, or in Arabic, 'Rab-Ul-Khalee'. The discovery was made by the Aramco Exploration team. As God states in the Quran that He had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. These were the people of Aad where Prophet Hud was sent. They were very tall, big, and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. Later these people, who were given all the power, turned against God and the Prophet and transgressed beyond all boundaries set by God. As a result they were destroyed.

Ulema's of Saudi Arabia believe these to be the remains of the people of Aad. Saudi Military has secured the whole area and no one is allowed to enter except the ARAMCO personnel. It has been kept in secrecy, but a military helicopter took some pictures from the air and one of the pictures leaked out into the internet in Saudi Arabia. See the attachment and note the size of the two men standing in the picture in comparison to the size of the skeleton.


Hazleton Penn. Sentinel, August 1881
(Photo:Coal miners pose for a photograph just before descending into a mine in Hazelton, in eastern Pennsylvania.)
About three miles from Ashley, a Mr. McCauley has the contract from the Wilkes-Barre Coal & Iron Co. for sinking a coal shaft.
It is twenty feet square and is intended to have two tracks for carriages to run in hoisting up the coal, and is said to be the largest opening of the kind in the coal regions.
It is located near the base of the mountain and has reached a depth of 475 feet.
Saturday last, when the gang, or what is known as the second shift of men, were about retiring, after firing off a course of holes, Tom Cassidy, the foreman, descended the shaft to ascertain the result of the explosion, and was astonished to find an immense cavity in one of the sides of the shaft.
The explosion appeared to have a terrible effect and caused more damage than benefit on one side, but his astonishment was still greater increased on clearing away some of the refuse of the rock blown by the shots to discover a solid mass of rock in which appears a clearly-defined human shape of giant proportions.

All the limbs, muscles and linaments are apparent. The rock is about 16 feet in length, 18 in breadth, and about 8 in thickness. The dimensions of the human frame are giantly, measuring 12 feet in length and 4 feet across the chest.

Across the breast is the impression of a huge shield, about four feet in circumference, while the right hand clutches the broken and butt end of a large cutlass or sword.
The rock was taken out whole and is now in possession of Mr. McCauley in Ashley.
Source:Newspapers cited above. Articles provided by

There Were Giants in Those Days Page 8

The "Yosemite Mummies"
Click and drag photo to resize. Script from Photo: Photo from Ripley's Believe it or Not who currently host the mummies. Click and drag photo to resize. Script from The Java Script Source

The Giants of Yosemite Valley
By Bobbie Short
The year, 1885. In California's great Yosemite Valley under the misty expanse near Bridal-Veil Falls, a party of silver and wannabe gold miners discovered what was to become the mystery of the decade. While having lunch, Mr. G. F. Martindale who was in charge of a party of miners, noticed a pile of stones that was placed against the wall of a cliff.
Seasoned miners, they were familiar with the natural formation of rock, this particular grouping struck Mr. Martindale as being unusual and seemed not to have been placed naturally. Realizing that if something in the wild is not placed naturally, he could only conclude human hands placed it there.
The miners set about removing the pile of stones. Behind the pile of stones they found a wall of rock that had been shaped and joined together with knowledgeable masonry. The joints between the rocks were all of uniform 1/8 of an inch in thickness and according to the reports from the men who were there, it was a beautiful job of stone work.
"As pretty as any wall on any building that I have ever seen" is the way one miner described it. Thinking that they had perhaps stumbled upon some lost treasure, the party of miners proceeded without delay and issuing great haste began tearing down the wall to get to the incredible riches that surely must lie within.

Disappointment fell heavily upon their heads as, in the end, they found the vault empty save a very large mummified corpse that lay on the ledge, which was carved from the natural stone for the express purpose of burial.

Lighting their carbide headlamps they set about examining the vault to see if perhaps they had overlooked something perhaps a map or some other clue to where the inevitable treasure might be hidden. Treasure of course being far more interesting than the fossil bones of a giant mummy.
What they found was another vault that had been carved from natural rock - 9 feet 3 inches high, 18 feet 6 inches deep and 8 feet 4 inches wide - containing a tall mummified corpse that was 6 feet 8 inches tall. The corpse was wrapped in what appeared to be animal skins and covered with a layer of fine gray power.
The miners removed parts of the animal skins to view the corpse and found it to be that of a woman holding a child to her breast.
The mummy was then taken to Los Angeles where it was placed before men, considered to be of great science in those days, most of whom agreed that is was a "relic" from a race that must have inhabited this country long before the American Indian. Tall people, they claimed, from a race which preceded the coastal natives?

All agreed that the height of 6 feet 8 inches tall in death must have represented an actual height in life of about seven or more feet. If their height relationship between men and women was approximately what it is today, then they concluded the males of the species could possibly have been some eight feet tall.

The most popular theory of the day was that the lady was a relic of some royal family of a lost Stone Age tribe of giants.
Interestingly enough, Captains Cooke and Magellan both wrote in their ship's logs of a race of giants that inhabited what we now know as the Pacific coast of South America. Cook was even supposed to have captured one of the giants reported to be nine feet tall.
Unfortunately, the giant escaped by breaking the ropes that bound him to the mast and jumped off the ship, overboard into the sea.
In an additional excerpt, Capt. Cooke wrote in his log that he was himself was 6 feet 3 inches tall, (which was very tall for those days when the average was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and under) and he could easily stand under the arm of the giant.
Cooke's report started a furor that was to last another 100 years and cause many to seek these giant people.
In the next century, many reports were filed stating that various of our major explorers had sighted the giants of what was then called Patagonia - but none had contact or for that matter even attempted to capture one of the giant men. Then suddenly, around the year 1650, the reports of sighting giants stopped abruptly.
Perhaps the giants moved inland, perhaps because they moved far away. They couldn't have just vanished. They could have simply become unpopular attractions and thus slipped gradually into oblivion. The fact remains that once up a time, they were there.
The Yosemite Valley, where the mummy was found has always been considered to be a place of great mystery by the Indians who lived there, the Ahwahneechees. The folklore of the Ahwahneechees relates a story of a giant who came into the valley long before the white man arrived.
The giant's name was Oo-el-en. They were vicious giants for they liked to eat the meat of the Indians. Oo-el-en would catch the adults and carry them away to a hiding place near the foot of Cascade Falls. Oo-el-en would then cut the people into small pieces, hanging their meat in the sun to dry into jerky.
The legend says that the Ahwahneechees finally killed the giants and burned their bodies. This rules out the possibility that the giant mummy of the Yosemite Valley might have been Oo-el-en.
However, if there was a giant, where did he come from and was there more than one of her kind. We may never know - sadly, all the Ahwahneechees are dead, the last having died in 1947.
The one thing the Ahwahneechees did leave was a written record of their long and complex burial rites. These Indians usually burned their dead - as they believed that by doing so they released the spirit of the deceased more quickly, so as to escape the evil spirits that lie in wait to grab it.
The important part of the ritual in relationship to the mummy of the Yosemite Valley was that they always wrapped their dead in skins of animals before they were burned. If you recall, the mummy of the Yosemite Valley was wrapped in the skins of animals and covered with a fine gray powder. Ashes, perhaps?
The learned scientist of that time, July of 1895, all agreed that the mummy predated the Christian era. It is therefore doubtful that the mummy was in any way connected with the Indians, as they were believed to have settled in the Yosemite Valley about 800 to 1000 years ago.
It is important to note at this point that the Ahwahneechees were also very small people, most being less than 5 feet 3 inches tall. However, there have been traces of a much earlier people that have inhabited the Southwest…..

Ancient Civilization Beneath Death Valley?
August 4, 1947 edition of the San Diego Union.
Photo: Newspaper clipping from San Diego Union. Click and drag photo to resize. Script from The Java Script Source
According to the clipping, explorers had unearthed, near the Arizona-Nevada-California line, the mummified remains of strangely costumed giants which the discoverers dated to around 80,000 years ago.
The Union reported that a Howard E. Hill of Los Angeles was recounting the work of Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Cincinnati physician who had originally located the first of several tunnels near Death Valley in 1931, but had not been able to return to the area until 1947.
With the help of Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, who with Hill's father had once helped open up New Mexico's cliff dwellings, Russell had recovered the remains of several men of 8 to 9 feet in height.
"These giants," said Hill, "are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser extending slightly below the knees. The texture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today."
Hill also said, according to the Union, that in another cavern was found the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings similar to those now used by the Masonic order. In a long tunnel were well-preserved remains of animals, including elephants and tigers. So far, Hill added, no women have been found.
He said the explorers believe that what they found was the burial place of the tribe's hierarchy. Hieroglyphics, he added, bear a resemblance to what is known of those from the lost continent of Atlantis. They are chiseled, he added, on carefully polished granite.
Text of the Article:
LOS ANGELES, Aug 4. (AP)-- A retired Ohio doctor has discovered relics of an ancient civilization, whose men were 8 or 9 feet tall in the Colorado desert near the Arizona-Nevada-California line, an associate said today.
Howard E. Hill. of Los Angeles speaking before the Transportation Club, disclosed that several well-preserved mummies were taken yesterday from caverns in an area roughly 180 miles square, extending through much of southern Nevada from Death Valley, Calif. across the Colorado River into Arizona.
Hill said the discoverer is Dr. F. Bruce Russell, retired Cincinnati physician, who stumbled on the first of several tunnels in 1931, soon after coming West and deciding to try mining for his health.
Not until this year, however, did Dr. Russell go into the situation thoroughly, Hill told the luncheon. With Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, of Los Angeles -- who with his father helped open up New Mexico's cliff dwellings -- Dr. Russell has found mummified remains together with implements of the civilization, which Dr. Bovee had tentatively placed at about 80,000 years old.
"These giants are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser extending slightly below the knees." said Hill. "The texture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today."
MARKINGS DISCOVERED Hill said that in another cavern was found the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings similar to those now used by the Masonic order. In a long tunnel were well-preserved remains of animals including elephants and tigers. So far, Hill added, no women have been found.
He said the explorers believe that what they found was the burial place of the tribe's hierarchy. Hieroglyphics, he added, bear a resemblance to what is known of those from the lost continent of Atlantis. They are chiseled, he added, on carefully-polished granite.
He said Dr. Viola V. Pettit, of London, who made excavations around Petra, on the Arabian desert, soon will begin an inspection of the remains.
Second Article Concerning Same Discovery Of Giants and Caverns
"Hot Citizen" Nevada Paper, August 5, 1947.
Death Valley: Click and drag photo to resize.
A band of amateur archaeologists announced today they have discovered a lost civilization of men nine feet tall in Californian caverns. Howard E. Hill, spokesman for the expedition, said the civilization may be "the fabled lost continent of Atlantis".
The caves contain mummies of men and animals and implements of a culture 80,000 years old but "in some respects more advanced than ours," Hill said. He said the 32 caves covered a 180-square-mile area in California's Death Valley and southern Nevada.
"This discovery may be more important than the unveiling of King Tut's tomb," he said. Professional archaeologists were skeptical of Hill's story. Los Angeles County Museum scientists pointed out that dinosaurs and tigers which Hill said lay side by side in the caves appeared on Earth 10,000,000 to 13,000,000 years apart.
Hill said the caves were discovered in 1931 by Dr F. Bruce Russell, Beverly Hills physician, who literally fell in while sinking a shaft for a mining claim.
"He tried for years to interest people in them," Hill said, "but nobody believed him." Russell and several hobbyists incorporated after the war as Amazing Explorations, Inc. and started digging. Several caverns contained mummified remains of "a race of men eight to nine feet tall," Hill said.
"They apparently wore a prehistoric zoot suit--a hair garment of medium length, jacket and knee-length trousers."
CAVERN TEMPLE FOUND Another cavern contained their ritual hall with devices and markings similar to the Masonic order, he said. "A long tunnel from this temple took the party into a room where," Hill said, "well-preserved remains of dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, imperial elephants and other extinct beasts were paired off in niches as if on display.
"Some catastrophe apparently drove the people into the caves," he said. "All of the implements of their civilization were found," he said, "including household utensils and stoves which apparently cooked by radio waves."
"I know," he said, "that you won't believe that."
Article Concerning Same Cave Discovery by Different Men 10 to 15 Years Earlier
Ancient Civilization Beneath Death Valley?
Author unknown
Bourke Lee, in his book 'DEATH VALLEY MEN' (MacMillan Co., N.Y. 1932), chapter: "Old Gold", describes a conversation which he had several years ago with a small group of Death valley residents.
The conversation had eventually turned to the subject of Paihute Indian legends. At one point two of the men, Jack and Bill, described their experience with an 'underground city' which they claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen through the bottom of an old mine shaft near Wingate Pass.
They found themselves in a natural underground cavern which they claimed to have followed about 20 miles north into the heart of the Panamint Mountains. To their amazement, they allegedly found themselves in an huge, ancient, underground cavern city.
They claimed that they discovered within the city several perfectly preserved 'mummies', which wore thick arm bands, wielded gold spears, etc. The city had apparently been abandoned for ages, except for the mummies, and the entire underground system looked very ancient.
It was formerly lit, they found out by accident, by an ingenious system of lights fed by subterranean gases. They claimed to have seen a large, polished round table which looked as if it may have been part of an ancient council chamber, giant statues of solid gold, stone vaults and drawers full of gold bars and gemstones of all kinds, heavy stone wheelbarrows which were perfectly balanced and scientifically-constructed so that a child could use them, huge stone doors which were almost perfectly balanced by counter-weights, and other incredible sights.
They also claimed to have followed the caverns upwards to a higher level which ultimately opened out onto the face of the Panamints, about half-way up the eastern slope, in the form of a few ancient tunnel-like quays.
They realized that the valley below was once under water and they eventually came to the conclusion that the arched openings were ancient 'docks' for sea vessels. They could allegedly see Furnace Creek Ranch and Wash far below them.
They told Bourke Lee that they had brought some of the treasure out of the caverns and tried to set up a deal with certain people, including scientists associated with the Smithsonian Institute, in order to gain help to explore and publicize the city as one of the 'wonders of the world'.
Furnace Creek and Wash
These efforts ended in disappointment however when a 'friend' of theirs stole the treasure (which was also the evidence) and they were scoffed at and rejected by the scientists when they went to show them the 'mine' entrance and could not find it.
A recent cloud-burst, they claimed, had altered and rearranged the entire countryside and the landscape did not look like it had been before.
When Lee last heard from the two men, Bill and Jack, they were preparing to climb the east face of the Panamints to locate the ancient tunnel openings or quays high up the side of the steep slope. Bourke Lee never did see or hear from his friends ever again.
In 1946 a man calling himself Dr. F. Bruce Russell, and claiming to be a retired physician, told a similar story about finding strange underground rooms in the Death Valley area in 1931.
He told of a large room with several tunnels leading off in different directions. One of these tunnels led to another large room that contained three mummies.
Artifacts found in the room appeared to be a combination of Egyptian and American Indian design. The most amazing thing about the mummies though was the fact that they were more than eight feet tall.
Dr. Russell and a group of investors formed "Amazing Explorations, Inc" to handle the release, and profit, from this remarkable find. But, as stories of this type usually go, Russell disappeared, and the investigators were never able to find the caverns and tunnels again, even though Russell had personally taken them there.
The desert can be very deceiving to anyone not used to traveling it. Month's later, Russell's car was found abandoned, with a burst radiator, in a remote area of Death Valley. His suitcase was still in the car.
The old TV series Death Valley Days once ran a short story about western pioneers also finding mummies in the desert. Since one of the script writers stated that "there had never been a script without a solid basis in fact", it would be interesting to find out what their source had been.
For now, these stories will have to be shrouded in mystery, along with the 21,000 year old bones found in California's Imperial Valley, also rumored to have been spirited off by the Smithsonian.

Kokoweef Caverns
Below you will find a transcription of the sworn statement made by Earl Dorr as it pertained to Kokoweef Caverns. This was published in the California Mining Journal, November 1940, though written in 1934.
It is speculated that Earl was attempting to get capital at the time for his projects in the area.
This is to certify that there is located in San Bernardino County, California, about two hundred and fifty miles from Los Angeles, a certain cave.
Traveling over state highways by automobile, the cave is reached in about ten hours.
A Civil Engineer, Mr. Morton, and I spent four days exploring the cave for more than eight miles. We carried with us Altimeters, Pedometers, and a Theodolite, with which to observe and record actual directions, take elevations and measurements by triangulation. Our exploration revealed the following facts:
1. From the mouth of the cave we descended as shown by the Altimeters to be about 2000 feet, where we encountered a canyon, which from the Altimeters and by calculations we found to be from 3000 to 3500 feet deeper; making total depth of 5400 feet from the mouth where we entered the caves to the floor of the canyon.
2. We found the cave divided into many caverns or chambers, of various sizes, all filled and embellished with Stalactites and Stalagmites, besides many grotesque and fantastic shapes that make these caves one of the wonders of the world.
.....Photo showing the interior of Kokoweef Caverns. Courtesy of Jack Russ.
3. The largest chamber we explored is about 300 ft. wide, 400 feet long and from 50 to 110 feet high. It is encrusted with crystals, fashioned into festoons of innumerable Stalactites, that hang from the ceiling, some of which are extremely large.
One, the largest seen, is 27 feet in diameter and hangs 1510 feet down into a 3000 ft. canyon. This great Stalactite is perpetually washed by water flowing down over it and falling into the dark canyon depths. The huge glistening white crystal is 500 feet longer than the Eiffel Tower, and challenged us with amazement and wonder.
4. There is a flowing river on the floor of the canyon, which rises and falls with tidal regularity. All measurements and estimates of the river, including its tides and beach sands were reckoned by triangulation, taken with the Theodolite, and while we did not reach the river, nevertheless, taking observations with our theodolite and its telescope, we reckoned the river to be about 300 feet wide at high tide and 10 feet wide at low tide. It rises and falls from 7 ½ to 8 feet. The Peysert brothers confirm our reckoning.
5. When the tide is out, there is exposed on both sides of the river from 100 to 159 feet of black sand, which the Peysert brothers report is very rich in placer gold. They report the sands on the river shore to be from 4 to 11 feet deep; and on an average about 8 feet deep.
6. There are numerous ledges above the canyon that are from 10 to 40 feet wide and covered with sand. We personally explored the ledge sands for a distance of more than eight miles, finding little variation in the depth and width of these ledge sands. And wherever examined,the ledge sands are found to be fabulously rich in placergold.
7. I have known intimately Oliver, Buck and George Peysert From my boyhood. I have discussed these caves with them repeatedly and thoroughly. They have reported to me in detail, their experience in exploring the caves.
One of them, George, lost his life in the cave. Buck and Oliver say George was killed by diving in the river on the floor of the canyon.
He struck an unseen rock, which killed him instantly. They have reported to me repeatedly their mining experiences and say they mined on the beach sands of the river a total in all of six weeks.
They carried lumber down to the river and constructed a sluice box and, using a pump, the three mined for six weeks, during which time they recovered more than %57,000 in gold, (gold at $20.00 per ounce); they sent their gold directly to the U.S. Mint and banked the returns in a bank in Needles, California, and another bank in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I last talked to them in my home about November 10th 1934, at which time they repeated their former statements, giving information as to how they discovered the river, and more of their experiences in gold mining. They recovered several of the largest nuggets of gold ever found in California.
Both Mr. Morton and myself filled our pockets with the sands from the ledges, carried it out and had it assayed. Just what Mr. Morton's sand assayed, I do not know, but it was approximately $2000. per ton.
I carried out ten pounds and two ounces of the ledge sand, and panned seven pounds, recovering more than $7.00 in gold, with gold at $20.00 an ounce. I sold the gold for $18.00 per ounce.
The balance of my ten pounds of sand I sent to John Herman, a Los Angeles Assayer. His assay certificate shows a value of $2,144.47 per yard - gold at $20.67 per ounce.
I, E. P. DORR residing at 300 Aldena Street, Pasadena California make the foregoing statements for the purpose of inducing investors to invest in the work of mining the gold in these caves, and solemnly swear that all statements made hereinabove are true and that all persons will find the physical conditions in the cave as above stated.
SUBSCRIBED and sworn to this ___day of December, 1934. Source:E Adventure Net

Cayuga Township/Niagara's Ancient Cemetery of Giants---Page 12

"I respected the spelling used in the text. Fredenburg is first used and later it is spelled "Fredinburg." The site was about 40 miles west of Niagara Falls, according to recent maps; Dunnville is at the mouth of the Grand River which flows into Lake Erie.
A "Six Nations First Nation Territory" is along the Grand River today, but I cannot say if the site was in it, or out of it.
More information is needed to flesh out any veracity to this story, which 21st Century readers may take with a grain of salt."....Benoit Crevier In our own little investigation, we discovered that there was indeed such a farm existing in the time period described ans shown quite clearly in maps and other official documents of the time as shown in the graphics included below. There were indeed differing spellings of the farm owners name with the correct spelling being, in fact; FRADENBURGH. Other variant spellings of the same family name include Vredenburg, Van Vredinburg and Freidenburg., to name a few. The name Fradenburgh on the contemporary (to the article) map was not added by, but was actually noted on the map of the period.


Two hundred skeletons of ANAKIN [sic] in Cayuga Township; A singular discovery by a Torontonian and others --
A vast Golgotha opened to view -- Some remains of the 'Giants that were in those days.'
From our own correspondents."Cayuga, August 21--
(1880 Map of Cayuga Township, South, Haldimand County Ontario, Canada. Click and drag photo to resize. Click here for high resolution map. Source: Rootsweb.)
"On Wednesday last, Rev. Nathaniel Wardell, Messers. Orin Wardell (of Toronto), and Daniel Fredenburg, were digging on the farm of the latter gentleman, which is on the banks of the Grand River, in the township of Cayuga.
When they got to five or six feet below the surface, a strange sight met them. Piled in layers, one upon top of the other, some two hundred skeletons of human beings nearly perfect -- around the neck of each one being a string of beads.
"There were also deposited in this pit a number of axes and skimmers made of stone. In the jaws of several of the skeletons were large stone pipes -- one of which Mr. O. Wardell took with him to Toronto a day or two after this Golgotha was unearthed."

These skeletons are those of men of gigantic stature, some of them measuring nine feet, very few of them being less than seven feet.

Some of the thigh bones were found to be at least a foot longer than those at present known, and one of the skulls being examined completely covered the head of an ordinary person.

Map detail. Click and drag photo to resize.
These skeletons are supposed to belong to those of a race of people anterior to the Indians.
"Some three years ago, the bones of a mastodon were found embedded in the earth about six miles from this spot. The pit and its ghastly occupants are now open to the view of any who may wish to make a visit there.
"Later: Dunnville, August 22,
"There is not the slightest doubt that the remains of a lost city are on this farm. At various times within the past years, the remains of mud houses with their chimneys had been found: and there are dozens of pits of a similar kind to that just unearthed, though much smaller, in the place which has been discovered before, though the fact has not been made public hitherto.
The remains of a blacksmith's shop, containing two tons of charcoal and various implements, were turned up a few months ago.
"The farm, which consists of 150 acres, has been cultivated for nearly a century, and was covered with a thick growth of pine, so that it must have been ages ago since the remains were deposited there.
The skulls of the skeletons are of an enormous size and all manner of shapes, about half as large again as are now to be seen.
The teeth in most of them are still in almost perfect state of preservation, though they soon fall out when exposed to the air.
"It is supposed that there is gold or silver in large quantities to be found in the premises, as mineral rods have invariably, when tested, pointed to a certain spot and a few yards from where the last batch of skeletons was found directly under the apple tree.
Some large shells, supposed to have been used for holding water, which were also found in the pit, were almost petrified. There is no doubt that were a scheme of exploration carried on thoroughly the result would be highly interesting.
A good deal of excitement exists in the neighborhood, and many visitors call at the farm daily.
"The skulls and bones of the giants are fast disappearing, being taken away by curiosity hunters. It is the intention of Mr. Fredinburg to cover the pit up very soon. The pit is ghastly in the extreme. Click and drag photo to resize.
The farm is skirted on the north by the Grand River. The pit is close to the banks, but marks are there to show where the gold or silver treasure is supposed to be under.
From the appearance of the skulls, it would seem that their possessors died a violent death, as many of them were broken and dented.
"The axes are shaped like tomahawks, small, but keen, instruments. The beads are all of stone and of all sizes and shapes. The pipes are not unlike in shape the cutty pipe, and several of them are engraved with dogs' heads. They have not lost their virtue for smoking.

Some people profess to believe that the locality of Fredinburg farm was formally an Indian burial place, but the enormous stature of the skeletons and the fact that pine trees of centuries growth covered the spot goes far to disprove this idea.

Source:"Ancient American Volume 6, Issue 41, p. 9. Researched and submitted by Benoit Crevier. Originally published in The Daily Telegraph (Toronto, Ontario), Wednesday, August 23, 1871, page 1.

A township in the Niagara District; is bounded on the east by the township of Canboro; on the north-west by Seneca and Oneida; and on the south-west by Rainham and Walpole.
In Cayuga 14,871 acres are taken up, 3,666 of which are under cultivation. The Grand River flows through the township, on the banks of which are some good clearings.
The timber on the Grand River, to within a short distance of the village of Cayuga, is mostly hard wood, much of which is white oak of a large size; in exporting which a profitable trade is carried on. Above the village of Cayuga the timber is principally pine, with a small quantity of hard wood intermixed.
About four miles below Cayuga village, is a bed of white gypsum, situated close to the river. The village of Indiana is situated on the river, about two miles above Cayuga, and about six miles below the same village is a small Episcopal church.
Population in 1841, 837. Ratable property in the township, £13,872.

Giants in Those Days--

Giant "Homo Sapiens" Footprints Found on Rocks in India

Kerala News
‘Big Foot' walked across Kerala 30,000 years ago!
By Jehovah G, Palakkad (Kerala):

Giant footprints found at Karalmanna, a hilly village in Kerala's Palakkad District, are now being projected by anthropologists as belonging to homo sapiens that lived in the area about 30, 000 years ago.

According to the team of anthropologists headed by Krishna Swamy the footprints, which are two feet six inches in length, belonged to a giant human being weighing about 400 kilograms (880 pounds?) and having a height of about 17 feet.

“There are footprints on the rock, both small and big. All these footprints are in the shape of human feet but bigger in size,” said Chandran, an awed local resident.
Krishna Swamy,says the height of the cave in which the giant creature lived was 50 meters, and the creature must have used it to harbour animals that it killed for survival.

“The big footprints are similar to the footprints found in Australia and Texas in the United States. It is believed to be of a giant of 8 to 9 feet tall and around 360 kilograms in weight.

“The big footprints are similar to the footprints found in Australia and Texas in the United States. It is believed to be of a giant of 8 to 9 feet tall and around 360 kilograms in weight.
We have found a particular site where there was a huge footprint of 2.6 feet in length. According to the length it is believed to be of around 400 kilograms in weight and 17 feet in height.
The particular big footed creature about which we are speaking had arranged a set up inside the rock shelter to watch the movements of other animals. It must be a carnivorous, no doubt,” Swamy said.
According to the evidence available, the creature must have lived around 30,000 years ago. “We have found water, a river and valleys around the cave. According tothe evidence it must have lived around 30, 000 years ago,” Krishna Swamy added. “
The site is believed to have many items of geological and anthropological importance.
Too bad they made him wear a dress...

2nd Story: Times of India
Tuesday, January 10

Was there an Indian Bigfoot? Yes, insists a team of amateur anthropologists led by S R Krishnaswamy. "We found four footprints of Bigfoot. In one, the footprint of the adult male measures 29 inches and the female size is 26 inches.
Even the young one's foot size is 8.5 inches," said Krishnaswamy on Monday. Going by the size of the footmarks, the anthropologists say Indian Bigfoot would have been far bigger than his Australian and Malaysian counterparts, estimated to be about 8 feet tall and weighing a hefty 350 kg.
"The Bigfoot found in these parts would be diametrically opposite to his counterparts in size, weight and eating habits. Stone tools that lie strewn around testify he used to prey on wild animals", said Krishnaswamy.
He added that while the male's impressions were found near the lofty spot from where he probably planned his hunting expeditions, the female and child impressions were found near the mouth of the shelter.

Eminent anthropologist L K Balaratnam said in Coimbatore that the site is virgin and could throw up unknown facts. Balaratnam, who along with his father co-authored India's first book on anthropology, 'Anthropology in India', said the finding should be "interesting."

He added that reports of Bigfoot sightings or impressions have not been reported from anywhere else in the country.
However, it's still too early to say for sure that there was indeed an Indian Bigfoot. Carbon dating and detailed scientific analyses will have to be carried out before it can be truly accepted that Bigfoot indeed once roamed parts of Kerala.
Till then, we'll just have to be content with mythological references to giants who straddled the earth and vaulted across oceans.