Thursday, December 1, 2011


NO SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION!                                           
            There is no logical explanation for the coal deposits 100-feet thick and limestone layers 12,500-feet thick laid down during the Carboniferous Era—especially with our sun as the only light source. To begin with, our sun is not an ideal grow light and it doesn’t suddenly change its spectrum into the UV!  Hard coal has a 40 to 1 compression ratio and soft coal is 20 to 1 In order to have layers of coal 100-feet thick in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado and Wyoming—even during an 80-million-year warm spell would requires 4,000 feet of plant growth (carbon) removed out of the air and then compressed down to 100 feet and this is impossible under present atmospheric conditions.
            The only possible explanation to account for such extreme plant growth would be an input of UV light 24-hours a day and a 200-pound per square inch atmosphere with carbon dioxide at 10 to 12%. This strengthens our position immensely that our Sun was in a close 1/10th light year circular orbit around the Sirius A & B binary star system which is the only object in space capable of doubling incoming UV light to Earth!
            During the Carboniferous Era 400-million to 320-million years ago the average temperature of Earth was as high as 80 degrees F. The average temperature on Earth today is 32 degrees F. –Time-Life books Weather and Climate
            We have a long way to go before we have true global warming. The only reason we are not in an Ice Age right now is because somebody brought the Moon in and tilted the Earth 23.5 degrees. Our Sun doesn’t have enough power to keep us out of Ice Ages otherwise we wouldn’t have them!
            In my book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES & GLOBAL WARMING we explain how our Sun got blasted into our present 90 to 1 elliptical orbit around the Sirius system three-million years ago. Now we go out to nine light years and everything freezes up. We are now at 8.5 light years from Sirius and heading back at a speed of 7.5 kilometers per second so we can eventually expect some global warming as we enter warmer space around the Sirius system. The gravity in that neighborhood is twenty times greater than our sun so we will eventually be traveling at a speed of about 200 kilometers per second. The Kuppier belts of our Sun and the Sirius star system is already starting to interact.
            Regarding carbon dioxide absorption: In the process of photosynthesis certain carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water in the chloroplasts of living plant cells, oxygen being a byproduct and light the source of energy. The chemical equation for the process is: 6CO2+6H2O+673 kg. cal of radiant energy à C2H12+6O2.
            A hexose sugar is conventionally considered to be the basic carbohydrate product of photosynthesis, although in actuality the situation is much more complex. Most of the carbon dioxide used is diffuses into the leaf through the stomates and dissolves in wet cell walls bordering the intercellular spaces, from where it diffuses in solution into the chloroplasts. In most cases less than 1% of the water absorbed is used in photosynthesis.  This negates mainstream know-it-all statements that most of the oxygen released in the process of photosynthesis comes from water and not from carbon dioxide.           
            Carbon Dioxide is not a greenhouse gas because it tends to hug the ground near where it is released. That is why there is a timberline. Trees won’t grow above a certain altitude because there isn’t enough CO2 (plant food). Carbon dioxide weighs 1.977 grams per cubic liter as compared with Nitrogen at 1.2506 grams per liter and Oxygen 1.429 grams per liter. In other words, Carbon dioxide is 36.743% heavier than Nitrogen and 27.72% heavier than oxygen. –Thomas J. Glover Pocket reference

            Urban areas also suffer from lack of oxygen because so many people are burning things. Human release of CO2 affects the climate very minimally except around urban areas where there is a high concentration displacing oxygen and nitrogen because it makes up such a small percentage of our atmosphere—only .033%. 

The global mean surface "Temp"erature data are the GISS
adjusted J-D yearly land and sea average, available from
NASA at:
The "CO2" data are the yearly averages of the monthly data
from the Keeling curve measured at Mauna Loa, available at:

In the midst of a world-wide drought, famine and a stock market collapse Henry Kissinger released the April 1974 classified memo. National Security Study memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) was shaped by Rockefeller interests and aimed to adopt a “World Population Plan to action” for drastic global population control i.e. reduction. The US lead the effort, making birth control in developing countries a prerequisite for US aid in China.

Engdahl summed it up in blunt terms; “If these inferior races get in the way of our securing ample, cheap, raw materials, then we must find ways to get rid of them.”

The NAZI also aimed big and sought control of the world. Population culling or “eugenics” was part of their scheme to target “inferior” races to preserve the “superior” one. Kissinger’s scheme of “simpler contraceptive methods through bio-medical research” was reminiscent of DuPont’s old slogan, “Better things for better living” which was later dropped for, “Better things fore better living through chemistry.” As evidence increased in the toxic effect of chemicals they began using the new slogan, “The Miracles of Science.”

Kissinger’s plan had two aims. 1. Secure US grain markets. 2. Control populations. Thirteen unlucky countries were chosen, India, Brazil, Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia to mention a few. Exploiting their resources depended on instituting drastic population reductions to reduce home-grown demand.

Automobiles kill about 63,000 people in the US each year.

There are 21,000 deaths per year in the US from radon gas and radon and 400,000 deaths from radon world wide! This is amazing because this is about 1/3 the number of deaths from auto accidents and you never hear anything about this horrible threat to human health and the environment. Big business must keep this secret and keep us focused on bogus disinformation such as GW and GC.

Can you imagine how much Hell would break out if there were 20 deaths from bird flue in the US? When someone died from botulism from eating peanut butter we heard about on the news for over a week! They have been telling us there is no radon on the planet and the propaganda goes on and on so they can keep on burning fossil fuels.

Global Warming was invented to keep us focused away from more dire threats to human health and the Environment.

The .033% trace gas carbon dioxide is plant food necessary for us to grow crops and to sustain the ecosystem yet our government is talking about using diesel fuel to pump it underground. If humans could some how do the impossible of doubling CO2 is would still be a trace gas at .066%

A recent Scientific American article proposes erecting a giant sun shade made of reflective material above the earth to reflect sunlight back into space at a cost of trillions of dollars?? How stupid can they get?

Soil erosion is the “silent global crisis” undermining food production and water availability. Every year, some 62,000 square miles of land looses its vegetation and becomes degraded or turns into desert.

A Cornell University study, which pulls together statistics on soil erosion from more than 125 sources, has found that the US is loosing soil 10 times faster—and China and India 30 to 40 times faster—than the natural replenishment rate.

As a result of erosion over the past 40 years, 30 percent of the world arable land has become unproductive--this at a time when the world population is approaching 7 billion.

Food production has kept pace with population growth by increasing by 50 percent between 1980 and 2000. But it is an open question whether there will be enough food in 2050, with an estimated three billion more mouths to feed.

That means more food has to be produced within the next 50 years than during the last 10,000 years combined. --(source: The Global Report, 30 August 2007

To learn more how these plans are instituted and controlled by the people who own the Federal Reserve System of banks (that have nothing to do with the US government) buy my book: The Frog is Cooked.


Heart disease is the number one killer on the world today killing 7.2 million people every year. The increasing numbers are possibly due to better detection and diagnostic methods.

Cancer and asthma rank second and third. Cancer kills 560,000 Americans each year. Many of these deaths are preventable though proper education.

Whenever the US invades a foreign sovereign nation like Iraq the number of deaths from war is ramped up to around 500,000. The unthinkable all-out war using WOMD would kill millions.

The fourth cause of death in the world would be starvation—mostly due the corporate takeover of food production which produce genetically modified foods with no food value. It is estimated that the introduction of GM foods will reduce world population by an estimated three billion within the next ten years. These are the very same foods that are the leading cause cancer and heart disease.

Bankrupting family farms was the plan to remove an “excess of human resources”. Engdahl called it “a thinly veiled form of food imperialism” as part of a scheme for the US to become “the world granary.” The small family farm had to go. Agriculture had to be turned into “agribusiness” dominated by a few corporate giants with incestuous ties to Washington.

Dollar devaluation was also part of the scheme. Under Nixon’s economic plan the gold window was closed in 1971 to let the currency float freely. Developing nations were targeted as well with the idea that they forget about being food-self-sufficient in grains and beef, rely on America for key commodities and concentrate instead on small fruits, sugar and vegetables for export.

Earned foreign exchange could then buy US imports and repay International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank loans that create a never-ending cycle of debt slavery.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was also used, as Was later the WTO with rules written by corporations to suit their bottom line.



The Report follows TALKING POINTS and BASELINE FACTS as laid out


1. Developments regarding information freely available at
and threatens global civilization and could
result in the deaths of billions.

2. The general media blackout on the dangers posed by these

3. My struggle to raise awareness of (a) the dangers we face from
solar activity, (b) government/media negligence in educating us about
those dangers, and (c) methods used on the internet to block my

4. Other major cultural and political developments on this peninsula
not afforded media disclosure, even (sometimes especially) on the
peninsula itself.

5. Speculation on possible reasons for government/media suppression of
public awareness regarding such issues.

Note: this is not 2012 Mayan calendar speculation; these are facts
rooted in hard empirical science.

Every fact below is easily verifiable using the search engine of your
choice. Even Google.

I am trying to raise awareness of something basically hidden in plain
sight. This video contains evidence that my efforts are being
consciously blocked.

1. NASA has warned of the strong possibility of a cataclysmic
geomagnetic storm occurring between now and 2013.

[search: NASA June geomagnetic storm warning]

2. A cataclysmic geomagnetic storm would likely cripple electrical
power grids for months, even years.

[search: geomagnetic storm power grid transformer effects]

3. No power --> no running water.

[search: How do municipal water systems work?]

4. People cannot survive without water for more than a few days.

[search: How long can a person survive without water?]

5. Geomagnetic cataclysm + UNPREPARED PUBLIC --> rioting, looting,

[You don't have to search this one. Just use your imagination. What would happen if millions of people were suddenly deprived of access to drinking water for an extended period of time? Could you trust your government to keep the water trucked in, even if the trucks had NOT been immobilized by solar radiation?]


[try finding how many major news outlets have reported what I am reporting to you now.]


From: Legal Reality
Sent: 08/27/11 03:56 PM
To: Legal Reality
Subject: Fwd: State of Montana rules EPA / ICLEI programs on Climate Change based on junk science

27 August A.D. 2011

This author has changed the subject line.  The focus of the judicial discussion is the lack of consensus in the scientific world of "Our Children's Trust's" "scientific" basis for its case.  It's not really a matter of "illegality" but of "evidence."  There is "no evidence," because there is "no science" behind the assertions.  Thus, it's flat out dead wrong to say that future junk science suits will be "illegal."  They may be "frivolous."  They may be "sanctionably frivolous."  But, they won't be "illegal."

"Regulations" are very rarely "illegal."  Why?  Because they don't apply until they're agreed to in the first place.  It's possible for terms of an agreement to be "illegal," but that's rare where the other party is some agency or other with this or that level of "government."

Declining to recognize horrifically and politically fabricated data conjured in support of junk science is a very encouraging development.  We're not quite yet to the "how do you feel about science" stage, yet.  That's coming, but it's being held off for a little while longer.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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Subject:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: State of Montana rules EPA / ICLEI programs based on Climate Change ILLEGAL
Date:Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:32:43 -0500 

Montana may not be a half-bad place to live.  (But the do have winters.)

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
                                 -King Solomon (Proverbs 29:16)

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 5:23 PM
Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: State of Montana rules EPA / ICLEI programs based on Climate Change ILLEGAL

 For Immediate Release
Make our government more efficient: Stop carbon counting
by Ed Berry
We can significantly improve efficiency in our city, county and state governments by dispensing with all laws and regulations on carbon emissions and carbon counting. These laws are now illegal in the State of Montana.

On May 4, 2011, the environmental organization "Our Children's Trust" of Oregon and a team of six legal groups in Montana filed the Climate Change Petition .
The Petition claimed a “scientific consensus exists that increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) are affecting the Earth’s climate.”

It sought to override the decisions of our elected legislators and to force the State of Montana to adopt regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions without proper review of scientific facts.
The Climate Physics Instituteof Bigfork, Montana, lead and paid for a Motion to Intervene which included 118 Intervenors, 13 minor children, 15 state representatives, 7 state senators, and 8 elected state officials. The Motion presented significant scientific evidence, including opinions of over 1,000 climate scientists, refuting the hypothesis of human-caused Climate Change.
On June 15, 2011, in view of the evidence presented by the Motion to Intervene , the Montana Supreme Court ruled there is no consensusand dismissed the case on its factual substance. 

The Montana Supreme Court became the first court in America to rule on the Climate Change litigation instigated by “Our Children’s Trust.” This ruling establishes once and for all, at least as far as Montana law is concerned, that the science of climate change is decidedly not settled .
The ruling forces all who file future GHG-emissions lawsuits to first prove the scientific credibility of their global warming claims. It makes all programs, including United Nations ICLEI programs in Montana's cities and enforcements by the EPA that are based upon climate change, illegal in the State of Montana. Follow the law and save Montana a lot of money.

Ed Berry, PhD, is the editor of ed@edberry.com406.471.1464) 

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