Saturday, March 14, 2015

LIVE TO AGE 200 and beyond...

The article I recently found recently may be the answer to the chronic diseases we are experiencing in this country.

Twenty-five years ago I wrote a book titled PHILOSOPHERS STONE. Its about bypassing the plant to take the trace minerals and ORMES out of certain soils that contain a lot of the trace minerals. Soils around the Phoenix Arizona and the Middle East areas used to be covered with an ocean at one time and the sea water evaporated leaving all the minerals and ORMES in the soil. Its the same process that plants use to take minerals out of the soil to grow. You're just bypassing the plant and you don't have to wait several months for your garden to grow. The ancient peoples did it by boiling the dirt in alkaline spring water for six days and then reducing the ph with vinegar. It explains it in the book...  

You can also use the recipes in my book to take the minerals out of Dead Sea salt, sea water, granite powder and especially limestone that was grown in shallow seas by plants. The technology has been around for thousands of years and my book contains some of the history and use of the white-powder-of-gold as as its known today ORMUS or ORMES, (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements). 

My book, Philosophers Stone contains six recipes developed by Pfizer Pharmaceutical. It only cost $15.00 and can be ordered by calling 1-877-buy book, or by going to my web sites: and or and clicking on the picture of the book.    

Click to enlarge<br>Recharge

Can we live to be 200
but feel and look like 21?
This doctor says Yes!

Commentary by G. Edward GriffinDr Park
Some people think Dr. Ed Park is crazy. I guess that makes me crazy, too, because I think he might be right 
˗ and, if he is right, I want to be in on it.

I met Dr. Park as a result of reading an article on the new science of age reversal. Yes, you read that correctly. I didn't say slowing. I said reversal.

Before getting into the story, I must tell you that this report is a bit long. That's because there are so many mind-boggling issues that almost every statement will raise questions, and I would rather try to answer them as we go instead of publishing a shorter version and then having to answer questions by email forevermore.

In the last twenty years, there has been a surge of research into the mechanism of cellular aging with the intent of finding ways to reverse the process. This seemingly impossible goal turns out to be less impossible than one might expect when we consider that, in our bodies, there already are cells (called stem cells) that never age.

Stem cells have the capacity, not only to replace themselves should they become damaged, but they also are the parent cells that produce all other cells. They can create any type of cell that needs to be repaired or replaced, anything from skin to heart muscle to liver. In the early stages of pregnancy, the most fundamental type of stem cells, called diploid totipotent cells, divide and subdivide to create the entire embryo. They carry within them the entire genetic code for all cells and organs.

There is reason to believe that stem cells can live indefinitely. In one experiment, cultures of these cells, which are nourished in a laboratory petri dish, are still alive after seventy years with no signs of aging. Scientists refer to these as immortal cells.

Most of our cells, although produced from stem cells, are not stem cells themselves and, therefore, are subject to aging. When muscles, nerves, and vital organs finally wear out, stem cells die also, not because they have grown old, but because they are no longer nourished by the rest of the body.

Normal cells wear out and replace themselves, on average, about every seven years. In the early stages of life, their replicas are nearly identical to the originals but, with the passage of time, the replicas become less vigorous and acquire flaws. Hair turns grey or falls out, skin becomes wrinkled, muscles atrophy, and organs lose efficiency. It's called aging.

To understand why this occurs, we must know that all cells hold strands ofDNA that provide biological instructions for the cell's function. At the tips of
chromosomes are small structures, like plastic caps at the ends of shoelaces, that protect them from unraveling and fusing with other chromosomes. These protective structures are called telomeres.

Every time a normal cell replicates itself, the new cell is a complete copy of the old one ˗ with one exception: The telomeres in the new cells are slightly shorter than in the previous version. There are only so many times cells can replace themselves before telomeres become so short they can no longer protect the chromosomes. When that happens, chromosomes begin to deteriorate, make imperfect copies, and eventually fail to replicate. It is as though there is a built-in expiration date, and many have assumed that there is nothing we can do about it. When you're out of telomeres, your time is up.

The quest, therefore, has been to discover what it is about stem cells that allows them to keep their long telomeres regardless of how many times they replace themselves. Could that process be made to happen also in normal cells and, if so, would they, too, become immortal?

The first part of that question was answered in 2009 when the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider, and Jack Szostak for their discovery of the mechanism by which cells make copies of themselves. (See Nobel Prize press release here.) They demonstrated that telomere growth is stimulated by an enzyme called telomerase, and that the reason stem cells preserve their telomere length indefinitely is that they produce this enzyme, but normal cells do not.
Finally, the mechanism was understood. The next task was to put telomerase into normal cells to see if they, too, will re-grow telomeres and become immortal. The challenge was how to get telomerase into normal cells.

Actually, the solution was already known. In 2007, the research team at Sierra Sciences, under the direction of Dr. Bill Andrews, succeeded in isolating a single molecule from the root of an herbal plant called Atragalus Membranaceus (also known as Astragalus Propinquus) that eliminates the need to deliver telomerase throughout the body, because it activates normal cells to produce their own telomerase on the spot. In other words, it causes normal cells to mimic stem cells in this regard. Amazing! A telomerase activator was found in nature.

So, does it actually work according to theory? The evidence so far is impressive. In his book, Curing Aging*, doctor Andrews described the following studies:
 In 1990, scientists at the Geron Corporation found that adding telomerase to human cells "produced a line of cells that was able to divide indefinitely... [and] did not show any signs of losing growth control." (p. 49)
 "In 1999, researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute ... produced mice with telomeres short enough to show many of the classic hallmarks of human aging: graying hair, frailness, spontaneous malignancies, and a reduced capacity for wound healing. This indicated clearly that these classic symptoms of aging are the result of telomere shortening in humans, and that our 'natural aging process' had its roots in short telomeres." (pp. 49, 50)
 "In 2000, Geron Corporation ... cultured human skin cells... so their telomeres would be as short as those of the elderly. ... As expected, the skin showed the hallmarks of 'old' skin, such as fragility and subepidermal blistering. It looked, to the naked eye, like the skin of an elderly person. The team then added the telomerase gene to a second batch of the old skin cells. ... The telomerized skin visually resembled young skin and it also shared the same gene expression profile as the young skin. By all available measurements, telomerizing the skin had actually reversed the aging of the skin itself." (p. 50.)
 "In 2003, a team at the University of Utah ... found that the mortality rate of individuals with shorter telomeres was nearly twice as high as those with longer telomeres, and that mortality as a result of heart disease was over three times higher in individuals with shorter telomeres. This provided solid evidence of a correlation between telomere shortening and death from old age or age-related diseases in humans." (pp. 51, 52)
 In November 2010, a team of scientists at Harvard Medical School altered the telomerase gene in a group of mice so that telomeres became short enough to display human-like symptoms of aging. Then they activated the production of telomerase within their cells. "This treatment successfully decreased the abundance of cells with critically short telomeres in these mice and caused a 33% increase in telomere length. More significantly, it allowed resumption of cell proliferation and eliminated the symptoms of degeneration across multiple organs, including the testes, spleens, and intestines. The mice experienced a restoration of fertility, of spleen size, of sense of smell, and of brain size and function. These were results that, if seen in elderly humans, would constitute successful reversal of the aging process."
(pp. 52, 53)

The following summary of the Harvard study was published in the April, 2011, edition of Life Extension Magazine:
After only 30 days, there was a reversal of the degenerative changes in every system the researchers tested. The brains of the treated mice, not only started growing new neurons, but began to thicken the protective myelin sheath surrounding existing neurons. As one of the researches was quoted, they were able to "reverse neurodegeneration."

The treated mice produced new viable sperm, their spleen atrophy and intestinal damage were reversed, and even their sense of smell was restored (indicating restored olfactory function in their brains). ... In humans, this would be like restoring the health and vigor of a sickly 80-year-old to that of a young adult!
Incidentally, there is a blood test for measuring telomere length, and it has been shown conclusively that patients who undertake telomerase activation therapy, experience a significant increase in the length of their telomeres
Very impressive, indeed, but forget petri dishes, mouse studies, and blood tests. Does telomerase activation extend the lifespan of humans? The answer is that it is too soon to know for sure. It has been theorized that users might grow one day younger for each day of use. It could take ten years to knock off ten years from one's biological age, and it probably will take that long to know for sure if longer telomeres really equate to longer human lifespan.

In the meantime, users report deeper sleep with vivid dreams, better energy and stamina, elevated mood, and mental clarity. Those who have been users for more than a few months often report improvement in skin color, reduction in wrinkles, fading of age spots, and darkening of hair. Bear in mind, however, that these are anecdotal reports. There have been no controlled studies so far. In fact, there may never be any, because this comes from nature and cannot be patented. Manufacturers will not spend millions of dollars for controlled studies when competitors can benefit without bearing any of the cost. It may take years before the empirical evidence will tell us for sure if human age reversal is really happening.

The telomerase-activator was developed by Geron Corporation and branded as TA65. It became available in 2005 for those with deep pockets. In the beginning, a year's supply cost $25,000 plus travel to New York. Since then, the price has fallen dramatically, but is still beyond the reach of most people. Currently, a 90-capsule bottle of TA65 sells for $500.

But do not despair. A chemical analysis by The American Analytical Chemistry Laboratories in Champaign, IL, showed that more than 95% of TA65 is Cyloastragenol, which is the technical name for the unique molecule found to be the telomerase activator. Since then, other producers have entered the market with what they claim is the generic form of TA65 at lower cost.
But here is where the plot thickens. At this early phase of development, there is considerable confusion regarding the quality, purity, and even the identity of what is in these brands. The lowest Internet price is attached to a product made in China, and there is some question about what really is in the bottle. Health food stores sell various brands of Astragalus, the herb from which Cycloastagenol is taken, but that is not even close to the substance that activates telomerase. It is merely the ground up root. Some products claim they contain Astragalus extracts, some as high as 25:1 concentration, but that still is not Cycloastragenol. I am told that it would take bushels of these herbal products to produce thirty tablets of the real thing.

Which brings us back to Dr. Park. When I decided to try TA65, I searched the Internet for a reliable source and found that, not only was he one of those first users I mentioned previously, but he was the first medical doctor to use telomerase activation in his practice, so I purchased my first supply from him and, soon thereafter, met him in person.
Telomere TimebombsEd Park, MD, is an expert on telomerase activation. In 1989, he graduated from Harvard University with a BA degree in Biological Anthropology. In 1993, he received his MD degree from Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, and a Master's degree in Public Health also from Columbia. In 1997, he completed internship and residency at Beth Israel Hospital, a teaching hospital of the Harvard Medical School. He is the author of Telomere Timebombs,** and his private practice is located in Costa Mesa, California.

To provide further information about this topic, we produced a video interview with Dr. Park entitled The New Science of Age Reversal. The 40-minute DVD is sold at The Reality Zone here, but we also made a shorter version just for this announcement. It can be viewed for free here
I was delighted to learn that Dr. Park, building on what he has learned about anti-aging, has crafted his own nutriceutical, called Recharge, and that the price is significantly lower. Because of his knowledge in this field, I have confidence in the quality of his product, so I decided to tell everyone about it and add it to our online store. The price is still quite steep but it keeps coming down and, as the user base grows, that trend surely will continue.

To be on the frugal and cautious side, it makes sense to wait a few years for the price to drop further and to see if users really experience unmistakable age reversal. However, if you are like I am, you may decide that waiting is too expensive in terms of continued aging and lost opportunity to beat the clock.

Will this really work? Frankly, I don't know, but the science is sound, and I think it could. For my part, I would hate to find out that it does but I missed the boat.

* Bill Andrews, PhD, Curing Aging (Reno, Nevada, Sierra Sciences: 2014)
** Ed Park, MD, Telomere Timebombs; Defusing the Terror of Aging (Costa Mesa, California, Telomere Timebombs Publishing: 2013)
The label recommends taking 1 to 5 capsules daily, preferably at bedtime,
along with a fatty bedtime snack or after a fatty evening meal.
Cellular regeneration is more active during sleep, and fats improve absorption.

A free DVD of The New Science of Age Reversal, the full interview of Dr. Park by G. Edward Griffin, will be sent to those who select the auto-ship option.



AUTOSHIP: The quantity you enter for your initial order will be sent immediately. After that, the same quantity will be shipped to arrive at approximately the same time of the month that you received your first shipment. If you would like an autoship quantity different from the initial order or if you want it to arrive at a different time of the month, please specify in the comment section of the order form.


If the 2-or-more quantity price is selected but only one bottle is ordered, the single-bottle price will apply even though the discount appears in the shopping cart.

Does Cycloastragenol cause cancer? 
The cancer question was a theoretical concern in the beginning, because one of the characteristics of cancer cells is that they produce telomerase, and it was theorized that anything that activates the production of telomerase might, thereby, cause normal cells to become cancer. Now that the product has been used for almost ten years, that speculation has been disproved. There are no reports of cancer occurring or being aggravated by Cycloastragenol. In fact, just the opposite has been the case. Cancers have gone into remission after taking Cycloastragenol. Studies have shown that those with longer telomeres are much less likely to develop cancer than those with short telomeres, and some researchers now are viewing telomerase activators, not only as agents for age reversal but also for cancer therapy. The following references on this topic are recommended:
Curing Aging, by Bill Andrews, Ph.D., pp. 58-63.
Telomere Timebombs, by Ed Park, M.D., pp. 78, 164.

Is there any toxicity associated with Cycloastragenol? 
Since products found in nature cannot be patented, there is no motivation for companies to spend the millions of dollars required to conduct FDA-approved tests for toxicity, because their competitors then could ride on the back of their research without contributing to its cost. So, there have been no definitive tests that deal with this question. However, after more than ten years of actual use by thousands of individuals, many of whom are in the medical profession, there have been no reports of toxicity or any other negative side effects. The worst complaint I have seen after scouring the literature is that, in some cases, people occasionally wake up in the middle of the night, fully alert, ready to start the day, but then have no trouble going back to sleep again. That's it. Cycloastagenol appears to be about as non-toxic as anything can be. Nevertheless, it is just common sense not to exceed recommended dosage levels and to be alert to negative reactions, including those related to allergies.
What are the ingredients in Recharge?
Because the manufacturers of TA65 were the first to use 
Cycloastragenol for telomerase activation, they have taken the stance that this gives them an exclusive right to use those words. Therefore, Dr. Park has informed us he is concerned about legal action if he says that Recharge contains
Cycloastragenol or that it works as a telomerase activator. Nevertheless, laboratory tests confirm that the primary ingredient is, indeed, Cycloastragenol (8mg, which is the same as in TA65). The Recharge label refers to this as Astragalus propinquus extract. Technically, that is correct, but Cycloastragenol is a very small (and very expensive) component ofAstragalus propinquus extract. Usually, the word extract
 refers only to a distillate of the source material (the root of the Astragalus plant) that is not even close to the high potency of pure Cycloastragenol. Dr. Park hopes to overcome this barrier eventually but, at present, there is a legal issue regarding what he can put on the label. He now takes Recharge instead of TA65, and so do I. At present, the label provides the following information:Astragalus propinquus extract, 8 mg.Curcuma longa extract, 34 mg.
Ocimumtenuflorum, 21 mg.
Rhodiola rosea, 13 mg.

Is there any reason for young people to take a telomerase activator?
There are two reasons for taking a telomerase activator. The one that has received the most publicity is to achieve age reversal. Those under the age of thirty or thirty-five may not be motivated by that purpose. The other reason is to increase resistance to chronic and communicable diseases. There is a proven correlation between telomere length and good health, even at younger ages.

Would I have to take this product for the rest of my life?
The process of telomere shortening and re-growing is a slow process. It takes many years to age, and it probably will take the same number to un-age. Having to consume the product for the rest of one's life begs the question of how long that life is. If you want to live for 200 years in good health,  you would be well advised to take this substance for as long as you want the effects it brings. However, if you decide that you have had enough of life and good health, you could simply stop taking it. Theoretically, that would put you back on the original track of telomere shortening and the gradual advance of old age. So the short answer is: No, you don't have to.

Would it be dangerous to take this product for a while and then stop?
I have no idea if this process could be turned on, then off, and then on again. Theoretically, it could, and I cannot think of any reason that doing so would be dangerous, but only time will tell.

Is this product enough by itself for good health? 
Absolutely not. Young people become ill even with long telomeres. The body needs a wide spectrum of nutrients, micronutrients, nutritional co-factors, and clean air and water. Even fresh fruits and vegetables may not be enough, because most of them come from mineral-depleted soil, are soaked with toxic pesticides, or have been genetically modified. Don't abandon high quality supplements, exercise, and healthy lifestyle. Long telomeres are not enough.

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