Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cancer cure known since 1948...

MAKE THIS VIDEO GO VIRAL...then watch it....
This man tells us what the Army Manuals wrote for soldiers.... 68 years ago...about curing cancer. He tells you exactly what to do. Pure knowledge in simple terms is rare...and he gives it to you freely....this is genuine.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"
Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
Candidate for US Senate 2004-Web Archive in Library of Congress:*/
QUOTE - Link sent from a doctor.. to all of us....learn quickly.
By Dr William Mount (Captain of the Army; Ambassador )
PHONE: 253-686-6290
22 minutes
Published on Jun 12, 2013
This 22 minute Video Could Save Your Life! If you follow these concepts you will build your immune system. Your body will be able to fight disease and you will feel better. The miracle is inside you! Simply unleash your own body's natural defenses and stave off the ravages of the environment. Mount claims that our leaders worship Lucifer. Ironically, there is truth in this assertion. The Lucis Trust Fund is a key part of the United Nations. Their Original founders dedicated their organization to Lucifer. Mount is fighting the tough fight to stop global domination and the destruction of our species.
Mount exposes what he learned in the Army as a Captain. He shows how simple seaweed can limit the effects of radiation from Fukishima. He discusses the miraculous benefits of blue green algae in increasing T cells!

Many people are trending with Mount, like Patch Adams and the Gesundheit Institute!
William Mount discusses what you can do to combat the neglect of bad eating and toxins in our environment. The Gov't is allowing companies to push GMOs which affect our immuno-health. You can achieve great results from following these simple tips. None of this is about profit. Mount is exposing the truth about the dangers of the World we live in. As an Ambassador, he discusses many disturbing trends in our processed, advertised, fake society. He shows you how the Ion Cleanse Unit will clean out your body of dangerous toxins, commonly available for $120 on the Net. This unit is routinely used in Asia as a holistic health aid. So, by using these tips, you will live longer and prosper with good health.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cancer cure...

MAKE THIS VIDEO GO VIRAL...then watch it....
This man tells us what the Army Manuals wrote for soldiers.... 68 years ago...about curing cancer. He tells you exactly what to do. Pure knowledge in simple terms is rare...and he gives it to you freely....this is genuine.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"
Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
Candidate for US Senate 2004-Web Archive in Library of Congress:*/
QUOTE - Link sent from a doctor.. to all of us....learn quickly.
By Dr William Mount (Captain of the Army; Ambassador )
PHONE: 253-686-6290
22 minutes
Published on Jun 12, 2013
This 22 minute Video Could Save Your Life! If you follow these concepts you will build your immune system. Your body will be able to fight disease and you will feel better. The miracle is inside you! Simply unleash your own body's natural defenses and stave off the ravages of the environment. Mount claims that our leaders worship Lucifer. Ironically, there is truth in this assertion. The Lucis Trust Fund is a key part of the United Nations. Their Original founders dedicated their organization to Lucifer. Mount is fighting the tough fight to stop global domination and the destruction of our species.
Mount exposes what he learned in the Army as a Captain. He shows how simple seaweed can limit the effects of radiation from Fukishima. He discusses the miraculous benefits of blue green algae in increasing T cells!

Many people are trending with Mount, like Patch Adams and the Gesundheit Institute!
William Mount discusses what you can do to combat the neglect of bad eating and toxins in our environment. The Gov't is allowing companies to push GMOs which affect our immuno-health. You can achieve great results from following these simple tips. None of this is about profit. Mount is exposing the truth about the dangers of the World we live in. As an Ambassador, he discusses many disturbing trends in our processed, advertised, fake society. He shows you how the Ion Cleanse Unit will clean out your body of dangerous toxins, commonly available for $120 on the Net. This unit is routinely used in Asia as a holistic health aid. So, by using these tips, you will live longer and prosper with good health.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Must watch cancer cure...

MAKE THIS VIDEO GO VIRAL...then watch it....
This man tells us what the Army Manuals wrote for soldiers.... 68 years ago...about curing cancer. He tells you exactly what to do. Pure knowledge in simple terms is rare...and he gives it to you freely....this is genuine.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"
Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
Candidate for US Senate 2004-Web Archive in Library of Congress:*/
QUOTE - Link sent from a doctor.. to all of us....learn quickly.
By Dr William Mount (Captain of the Army; Ambassador )
PHONE: 253-686-6290
22 minutes
Published on Jun 12, 2013
This 22 minute Video Could Save Your Life! If you follow these concepts you will build your immune system. Your body will be able to fight disease and you will feel better. The miracle is inside you! Simply unleash your own body's natural defenses and stave off the ravages of the environment. Mount claims that our leaders worship Lucifer. Ironically, there is truth in this assertion. The Lucis Trust Fund is a key part of the United Nations. Their Original founders dedicated their organization to Lucifer. Mount is fighting the tough fight to stop global domination and the destruction of our species.
Mount exposes what he learned in the Army as a Captain. He shows how simple seaweed can limit the effects of radiation from Fukishima. He discusses the miraculous benefits of blue green algae in increasing T cells!

Many people are trending with Mount, like Patch Adams and the Gesundheit Institute!
William Mount discusses what you can do to combat the neglect of bad eating and toxins in our environment. The Gov't is allowing companies to push GMOs which affect our immuno-health. You can achieve great results from following these simple tips. None of this is about profit. Mount is exposing the truth about the dangers of the World we live in. As an Ambassador, he discusses many disturbing trends in our processed, advertised, fake society. He shows you how the Ion Cleanse Unit will clean out your body of dangerous toxins, commonly available for $120 on the Net. This unit is routinely used in Asia as a holistic health aid. So, by using these tips, you will live longer and prosper with good health.

Friday, June 21, 2013


On 5/19/13 8:01 AM, "The Real Food Channel"
<> wrote:


In January of 2011, Woodrow C. Monte,
Professor Emeritus of Nutrition at Arizona
State University, saw a memo that had
been kept secret for 30 years.

The memo proves that the FDA knew in
1978 that lab tests showed birth defects
and developmental brain damage caused
by aspartame.

How is this poison still allowed?

Video (10:24):

- Traci Styner
The Real Food Channel

P.S. Please share Real Food Channel
videos with your friends, family and

Like us on Facebook:

That's how we grow. Thanks.
Amacord, Inc.
14 North Road,
Tivoli, NY 12583, USA

Friday, May 17, 2013

ADHD is a fictitious disease.. Got Kids???


May 17 08:04

The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the “scientific father of ADHD” and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease”
Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg’s “disease” haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as “hyperkinetic reaction of childhood”, now called “ADHD”. The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) – which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
17 07:56
By: malterwitty
No more tears? I would rather have no more formaldehyde. I just might get my wish. Today, the personal care giant announced that it would voluntarily (after consistent pressure from the public and groups like EWG) remove hidden formaldehyde from their baby products like baby shampoo and baby washes.
Don’t see formaldehyde listed on the back of your bottle of “no more tears” shampoo? Formaldehyde is “hidden” in these products in ingredient names like “DMDM hydantoin“, and “1,4 dioxane” (which is “hidden” in listed ingredients like “fragrance”. It’s all a big fun game, you see.).

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Possiible arthritis cure...

A friend of min swears that flaxseed cured his arthritis and he read an article in a science journal that it helps the body make cartilage.

Step aside, salmon. Scoot over soy. Make room for flaxseed, a rightful member of the healthiest foods club.
“Although flaxseed has been used for a long time – Hippocrates ate and wrote about it in 500 B.C. – it’s only been in the past 10 years that researchers have focused on flaxseed’s health benefits,” says Jocelyn Mathern, a registered dietitian and member of the Flax Lignan Information Bureau Advisory Board, a consumer education organization in Minneapolis.
Just two tablespoons of ground flaxseed contain more than 140 percent daily value of the inflammation-reducing omega-3 fatty acids and more lignans, a cancer-fighting plant chemical, than any other plant food on the planet. To understand this nutritional star, take a look at what’s inside.
Essential fatty acids. Fifty-seven percent of the total fatty acids in flaxseed oil is alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), one of three omega-3 fatty acids. When consumed, ALA is converted into the other, more powerful omega-3’s, docosahexaeonic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids. Ground flaxseed has ALA, but flaxseed oil contains the highest amount. In a study where volunteers consumed flaxseed oil for four weeks, the ALAs significantly decreased pro-inflammatory compounds.
Lignans. Found in flaxseed hulls, these plant chemicals convert to plant estrogen in the digestive tract. Research suggests they may protect against several forms of cancer, prevent heart disease and alleviate menopause symptoms. Whole flaxseed must be ground or bought as meal for lignans to be absorbed by the body. Once opened, a package of flaxseed should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator to keep it from going rancid. Flaxseed oil does not have the lignans of whole or ground flaxseeds, so look for brands that have added lignans.
Flavonoids. These compounds found in all flaxseed lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol. High LDL levels have been linked to a greater risk of heart disease.
Fiber. Dietary fiber accounts for 28 percent of ground flaxseed’s composition. Soluble fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cancer, while insoluble fiber can help prevent digestive problems.
Note: Flaxseed oil should be avoided by those taking blood-thinners as it may increase bleeding, and taken with care by those taking cholesterol-lowering medication because it could lower cholesterol levels too far.
10 ways to Get Your Flaxseed
1. Stir 1 Tbsp. ground flaxseed into oatmeal, cereal and smoothies.
3. Use ground flaxseed as a topping for salads.
4. Make vinaigrette with 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard, 1 Tbsp. vinegar and 3 Tbsp. flaxseed oil.
5. Mix 1 Tbsp. ground flaxseed into tuna, chicken and egg salads.
6. Add 1/4 cup whole or ground flaxseed to bread recipes.
7. Toss 1/2 lb. cooked pasta with 2 Tbsp. flaxseed oil.
9. Coat and roast vegetables in equal parts flaxseed and olive oils.
10. Replace half the oil or butter in baking recipes with flaxseed oil

Flaxseed is the seed from the plant Linum usitatissimum. Oil from the seed is used to make medicine.

People try flaxseed oil for many different conditions, including rheumatoid arthritisand high cholesterol. It is also tried for treating osteoarthritisanxietybenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), vaginal infections, dry eyes, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), high blood pressureheart diseasediabetes, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Some people use flaxseed oil as a laxative for constipation, for weight loss, and to prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Flaxseed oil is also applied to the skin to sooth irritations or soften roughness.

In foods, flaxseed oil is used as cooking oil and in margarines.

In manufacturing, flaxseed oil is used as an ingredient in paints, varnishes, linoleum, and soap; and as a waterproofing agent.

How does it work?

Flaxseed oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid. The alpha-linolenic acid and related chemicals in flaxseed oil seem to decrease inflammation. That is why flaxseed oil is thought to be useful for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory (swelling) diseases.

Tiny Flaxseeds Offer Big Arthritis Benefits

Flaxseeds may be tiny, but their arthritis-healing properties are huge owing to their rich supply of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), one of the omega-3 fatty acids that also make cold-water fish such a powerful joint protector. Flaxseed, in fact, is the very best plant source of healing omega-3s. Just two daily tablespoons of ground flaxseed, or ground flax meal, provides you with 140% of the daily recommendation for omega-3s.
1. Flaxseed tackles arthritis inflammation. Flaxseed is full of omega-3 fatty acids that reduce arthritis  inflammation by helping your body produce prostaglandins, gatekeepers of the anti-inflammatory response. Flaxseed arthritis protection begins when your body converts its ALA into potent omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the same anti-inflammatories found in omega-3-rich fish like wild salmon. Omega-3s also limit  joint pain by increasing your body’s production of anti-inflammatory fats called resolvins, which are made from the DHA and EPA your body transforms from flaxseed’s ALA.
2. Flax fends off arthritis pain. Solid science shows that people with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) whose diets are rich in sources of omega-3s experience less inflammation and pain. In the UK, researchers at the Connective Tissue Biology Laboratories found that omega-3s quell the inflammatory biochemicals cytokines and interleukins, both of which are responsible for the soreness and stiffness in cartilage membranes. Omega-3s also drive down leukotrienes, hormones that cause inflammation and aggravate arthritis.
3. Be cautious with flax. Flax in any form is powerful enough to interact with some drugs and medical conditions. It thins the blood, so talk to your doctor if you’re taking a prescription blood-thinner, aspirin or another NSAID. Ask your doctor about taking flax if you’re on a cholesterol-lowering medication. Also, because of an estrogenic effect, check with your physician if you have had a hormone-sensitive cancer, such as breast cancer or uterine cancer.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cordless phones cause Brain Tumors...

Court Ruling: Mobile & Cordless Phones Cause Brain Tumors | World Truth.TV

4 Votes

For the very first time, a supreme court has ruled that using mobile or cordless phones is directly linked to causing brain tumors, affirming what many scientists have been saying for years now about the dangers of cell phone radiation. The U.K.’s Telegraph reports that 60-year-old Innocente Marcolini, who developed a tumor in his trigeminal nerve, was ruled to have suffered this fate as a result of using his mobile handset for up to six hours every day for 12 years.
According to Italy’s Supreme Court in Rome, there is a “causal link” between Marcolini’s mobile phone use and the non-cancerous tumor that caused the entire left side of his face to become paralyzed. A respected oncologist and professor of environmental mutagenesis, Dr. Angelo Gino Levis, along with neurosurgeon Dr. Guiseppe Grasso, provided evidence at a recent trial showing that the electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile and cordless phones damages cells.

“This is significant for very many people,” said Marcolini to reporters about his case’s ruling. “I wanted this problem to become public because many people still do not know the risks. I wanted it recognized that there was a link between my illness and the use of mobile phones and cordless phones,” he added, noting that he now has to take the extremely powerful painkiller morphine every single day just to cope with his the agony.
Though Marcolini’s brain tumor is non-cancerous, it still reportedly threatened to kill him because it had been encroaching on his carotid artery, which is the major blood vessel responsible for transporting blood to the brain. The tumor also developed directly next to where Marcolini typically held his phone next to his ear, illustrating how significantly mobile phone radiation can disrupt proper brain cell function.

Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) ruled that mobile phone devices are a “Possible Human Carcinogen,” and added them to the Class 2B carcinogens list. Earlier this year, researchers out of Washington also came forward with research showing that cell phone radiation causes significant damage to DNA, which can lead to cancer.
“Today, there are more than two billion cell phone users being exposed every day to the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) — dangers government regulators and the cell phone industry refuse to admit exist,” wrote Sue Kovach in a 2007 Life Extension Magazine report. “Included are: genetic damage, brain dysfunction, brain tumors, and other conditions such as sleep disorders and headaches.”
Sources for this article include:
Court Ruling: Mobile & Cordless Phones Cause Brain Tumors | World Truth.TV.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pineapple Enzyme kills cancer.

Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You
(The Best Years in Life) Every once in a while a study pops up on the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database known as MEDLINE that not only confirms the therapeutic relevance of natural substances in cancer treatment, but blows the conventional approach out of the water. Published in 2007 in the journal Planta Medica, researchers found that an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems known as bromelain was superior to the chemo-agent 5-fluorauracil in treating cancer in the animal model. The researchers stated:

"This antitumoral effect [bromelain] was superior to that of 5-FU [5-fluorouracil], whose survival index was approximately 263 %, relative to the untreated control."

What is so remarkable about this research is that 5-FU has been used as a cancer treatment for nearly 40 years, and has been relatively unsuccessful due to its less than perfect selectivity at killing cancer, often killing and/or irreversibly damaging healthy cells and tissue, as well.

As a highly toxic, fluoride-bound form of the nucleic acid uracil, a normal component of RNA, the drug is supposed to work by tricking more rapidly dividing cells -- which include both cancer and healthy intestinal, hair follicle, and immune cells -- into taking it up, thereby inhibiting (read: poisoning) RNA replication enzymes and RNA synthesis.

The material safety data sheet (MSDS) for 5-FU states:

The dose at which 50% of the animals given the drug die is 115mg/kg, or the equivalent of 7.8 grams for a 150 lb adult human.
Keep in mind that a 7.5 gram dose of 5-FU, which is the weight of 3 pennies, would kill 50% of the humans given it. Bromelain's MSDS, on the other hand, states the LD50 to be 10,000 mg/kg, or the equivalent 1.5 lbs of bromelain for a 150lb adult, which means it is 3 orders of magnitude safer!

How then, can something as innocuous as the enzyme from the stem/core of a pineapple be superior to a drug that millions of cancers patients over the past 40 years have placed their hopes of recovery on, as well as exchanging billions of dollars for?

There is a well-known effect associated with a wide range of natural compounds called "selective cytotoxicity," whereby they are able to induce programmed cell death (the graceful self-disassembly known as apoptosis) within the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells and tissue unharmed. No FDA-approved chemotherapy drug on the market today has this indispensable property (because chemicals don't have behave like natural compounds), which is why cancer treatment is still in the dark ages, often destroying the quality of life, and accelerating the death of those who undergo it, often unwittingly. When a person dies following conventional cancer treatment it is all too easy to "blame the victim" and simply write that patient's cancer off as "chemo-resistant," or "exceptionally aggressive," when in fact the non-selective nature of the chemotoxic agent is what ultimately lead to their death.

Keep in mind that bromelain, like all natural substances, will never receive FDA drug approval. Capital, at the present time, does not flow into the development of non-patentable (i.e. non-profitable) cancer therapies, even if they work, are safe and extremely affordable. This is simply the nature of the beast. Until we compel our government to utilize our tax dollars to invest in this type of research, there will be no level playing field in cancer treatment, or any treatment offered through the conventional medical establishment, for that matter. Or, some of us may decide to take our health into our own hands, and use the research, already freely available on possible natural cancer treatment, to inform our treatment decisions without the guidance of the modern day equivalent of the "priest" of the body, the conventional oncologist, who increasingly fills the description of an "applied pharmacologist/toxicologist" - nothing more, nothing less.

To view additional research on the potential therapeutic properties of bromelain in over 30 health conditions, visit the open source, natural medical resource page on bromelain.
See also:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Prostate cancer disinformation...

Prostate Cancer - Almost everything you've been told is wrong
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 14:34:11
Medical announcement reveals: Almost everything you've been told about prostate cancer is wrong
(NaturalNews) Men, especially after the age of 50, have long been told they need to be screened regularly for the dreaded disease of prostate cancer with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. The reason? Because if caught early, this common cancer can be treated before it supposedly kills. Sound familiar? If you think these are the facts about prostate cancer, it's time to learn the real truth.
None other than a large mainstream medical group, the American College of Physicians (ACP), has just released a statement changing recommendations for prostate cancer screening. And while the official statement emphasizes that the ACP is saying patients need to be better informed and work with doctors to decide on screening, let's take a look at the far more important facts revealed in the announcement.
Why is the ACP saying men between the ages of 50 and 69 should discuss PSA tests before submitting to them? Because there are a myriad of problems with the expensive and fear-producing tests. As the ACP media statement says, the PSA test has "limited benefits and substantial harms."
Harm outweighs benefits
"Only men between the ages of 50 and 69 who express a clear preference for screening should have the PSA test. For most of these men, the harms will outweigh the benefits," said ACP president David L. Bronson, MD, in a media statement.
How specific is the PSA when it comes to revealing cancer? Not very.
The "Screening for Prostate Cancer: A Guidance Statement from the American College of Physicians" paper just published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reveals serious problems with the PSA test. For example, PSA test results may be low when there is cancer. But, far more commonly, PSA results may be high because of an enlarged prostate but not because of any life threatening malignancy.
In fact, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), it is common for the prostate gland to become enlarged as a man ages, a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or benign prostatic hypertrophy. So what is essentially a common change in the body that goes along with aging in many men can set off alarm bells when it causes PSA levels to rise, sending men for more testing and potentially unneeded -- but harmful -- treatment.
Most prostate cancers are not serious, never kill
Following an elevated PSA test, a prostate biopsy is often ordered and it's not the simple, risk-free procedure many people assume it to be. The new guideline statement says this: "The biopsy involves multiple needles being inserted into the prostate under local anesthesia, and there is a small risk of infection or significant bleeding as well as risk of hospitalization."
But isn't it worth the risk if cancer is discovered? In the majority of cases, no. According to Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, Director of Clinical Policy for the ACP, only a small number of prostate cancers are serious and can cause death.
"The vast majority of prostate cancers are slow-growing and do not cause death. It is important to balance the small benefits from screening with harms such as the possibility of incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and other side effects that result from certain forms of aggressive treatment," Dr. Qaseem said in a media statement.
Specifically, if cancer is diagnosed (no matter how unlikely the cancer is to ever cause death), it will often be treated with surgery or radiation. The ACP statement points out these treatments include a risk of death with surgery, loss of sexual function (approximately 37 percent higher risk), and loss of control of urination (approximately 11 percent higher risk) compared to no surgery.
The new ACP guidelines recommends against PSA testing at all in average-risk men younger than 50, in men older than 69, or in men who have a life expectancy of less than 10 to 15 years because the harms of prostate cancer screening outweigh the benefits.
As NaturalNews has previously reported, there is another possible downside to prostate cancer treatments scientists are studying. According to findings by Chawnshang Chang, PhD, director of the George Whipple Laboratory for Cancer Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center, a common form of hormone therapy for prostate cancer may actually spur cancer cells to grow and spread.
Sources for this article include: Cancer