Societal manipulation didn’t start
with the sinking of the Maine .
Nor did it start with the surprise attack on Perl Harbor .
It may have started with the invention of money or possibly the invention of
religion and has been going thousands of years before Biblical times.
It takes a disaster of huge
proportions like the demolition of the Trade Towers when Zionist, Larry
Silverstein pulled the switch and a whole lot of media brainwashing to get
people to sign their rights away with bills like Homeland Security and to get
the people behind invading a third-world country with no ‘weapons of mass
People are finally getting wise to
the False Flag operations designed to rob us of our money and freedom. The pendulum
will swing the other direction in November. The next big disaster will have to
top all previous disaster. Get ready for a dirty bomb or possibly a nuclear
attack on a major US
It may surprise you to learn that
Enron chief Ken Lay and the CEO of British Petroleum (BP), John Browne, had a
meeting in the White House in 1997, with Vice - President Al Gore and President
Clinton. Their agenda was to insure that the US agreed to the Kyoto Protocols.
Yes, you read that correctly. BP wanted the US to agree with to the Kyoto
Protocols. Why? Such a compliance with the Protocols would have imposed major
costs upon the US
energy industry and all of those who use energy—a very large hidden tax. Both
Enron and BP would have made billion from this hidden tax that would have been
extracted from the American People.
Al Gore might thus be seen by many
as the one who revealed a truth that the Bush administration was trying to
hide. Indeed, for a long time, the fact that Bush was unwilling to endorse and
ace upon global warming was seen as evidence that it had to be real! When it
comes to climate change, Gore might be a far more evil villain than Bush!
Dr. William
Gray, a pioneer in the Science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, has argued that
humans are not responsible for the warming of the Earth. “We’re brainwashing
our children,” said Gray, a long-time professor at Colorado State
University . “They’re
going to the Gore movie and being fed all this. It’s ridiculous.” Gray does not
deny the phenomenon, but instead argues that a natural cycle of ocean water
temperatures—related to the amount of salt in ocean water—is responsible for
the global warming that he acknowledges had taken place. However, he said, that
same cycle means a period of global cooling will begin soon and last for
several years. “We’ll look back on all this in ten or twenty years and realize
how foolish it was.” Gray said. “The human impact on the atmosphere is simply
too small to have a major effect on global temperatures.” He said, that his beliefs
have made him an outsider in popular science. “It bother me that my fellow
scientists are not speaking out against something they know is wrong.” He said.
“But they also know that they’d never get any grants of they spoke out. I don’t
care about grants.”
This author
has written on the propaganda of ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ for human control now for
five years. For some reason nobody will look up the fact that carbon dioxide is
a trace gas making up only .033% of our atmosphere while nitrogen is 78% and
oxygen 20%.
Water vapor from evaporation can
make up to twenty percent of the weight of air by weight at 100% humidity. I
know these things because I have installed evaporators on diesel engines to
increase their efficiency. When inducted into a high compression engine 20 % of
the weight of the air can instantly turn into steam making the engine burn
cleaner and producing more horsepower.
The Earth is a self regulating
organism in that when the temperature increases the amount of water vapor in
the air (clouds) increases thereby reflecting more sunlight back into space
cooling the Earth. Nobody knows how much water vapor is in the atmosphere at
any given time.
Then there is the fact that Earth
is recovering from a series of volcanic eruptions that started in the 1700’s.
Each major volcanic eruption lowered global temperature .5 degrees.
The graph has been subjected to
manipulation. This graph was used by IPCC to further global warming propaganda.
The graph was produced by modifying temperature data and proxies, and was
generated by a computer algorithm to predict a future temperature rise.
Detailed analysis of the data and the algorithm by Steve McIntyre and environmental economist Dr. Ross
McKitrick demonstrated very improper and unscientific conduct in the graph’s
For example, the graph does not
show the well-known warmer times of the Medieval Warm Period lived and farmed
in Greenland for centuries. The chart also
does not show the Little Ice Age, which extended from about 1350 to 1850 CE.
The history of those times includes show falling in Paris in July, ice festivals held on four
feet of ice on the Thames
River in London , people walking from Denmark to
Sewden across the frozen Baltic, as well as people walking from from Manhattan to New Jersey across the
frozen New York Harbor .
What McIntyre and McKitrick found
was that the algorithm could produce a “hockey stick”—shaped graph from a table
of random numbers. No temperature data was necessary—proving that Al Gore’s
statistics lie.
On December 6th 2006 , Geophysicist Dr.
David Deming of the University
of Oklahoma gave some
telling testimony to the US Senate. He testified that, around the time that a
paper of his was published in Science in 1995 he received an email from a
prominent climate change researcher, stating: “We have to get rid of the
Medieval Warm Period.”
In 1998 Dr. Robinson, director of
the Oregon Institute for Science and medicine posted his first global warming
skeptics petition on the Institute’s web site. (
It eventually attracted more than 17,000 Americans with science degrees.
In late 2007, Robinson mailed a new
copy of the petition tot the original signatories, asking them to recruit
additional qualified scientists. Now his list includes around 31,500 man-made
warming skeptics with science qualifications. More than 9.000 hold scientific
PhDs. Almost 31,500 skeptics happen to me more than 12 times as many scientists
as the 2,500 scientific reviewers claimed by the IPCC to form a scientific
Robinson’s petition states a truth:
“There is no convincing scientific evidence that humans release of carbon
dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable
future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth.
Recently there have been warnings
portending disaster because man threatens to melt much of the ice covering Greenland . But researchers reported in July 2007 that Greenland really was green a half-million years
ago—covered with forests. Who or what was responsible for that warming trend?
The sad state of the matte is that
our climate has been reduced to a debate about man-made carbon dioxide
emissions, and this has bee reduced to a “cap and trade” system in which the
problem is not seriously addressed, but politicians have come up with a means
of taxing heavy polluters—often underdeveloped countries, whose infrastructure
relies on old machinery and which, hence is polluting. Their plan is to arrest the
industrial development of India
and China .
However, those of us who are operating outdated diesel engines that do not meet
Tier 4 standards will be put out of business.
Alas, the fallacy of the science,
upon which this new form of economy is meant to be based was shot from under
their feet because of “Climategate”. It meant that the international
politicians left the Danish capital without being able to announce their
favorite new toy to manipulate the world economy. Will it continue to be played
on in the field of International politics or will it silently fade away?
The question is, what will be their
next big excuse to rob of us of our freedom and our labor?
I have been on
a quest to alter societal evolution into more benign directions with my books.
My book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES explains how the carbon resources were made. Our
sun is in a 105,000-year elliptical orbit around the Procyon and Sirius star
systems. After reading about the direction our sun is traveling through space I
plotted our course from Orion toward Hercules and in the process discovered
that our Sun was captured and is till in orbit around the Sirius A and B which
are only 8.5 light years away.
We are part of
a cluster of 100 stars ruled by these two giants. Sirius B is a white Dwarf
star of 1.5 earth diameters orbiting 20 earth distances from Sirius A. Every
fifty-four years it gets so close to Sirius A that it feeds off from it several
metric tons per hour causing it to put out thousands of times more invisible
ultraviolet light than our sun. I am now convinced that the intense light from
Sirius B is responsible for advanced multi-celled life forms on earth. It is
the only thing that could break through a 750 PSI atmosphere extending 2,500 miles above the
planet to get life started.
Our sun was born
with about 40 other stars in an Orion dust cloud not too far from the Horse
Head Nebula currently 1330 light years toward the center of the Galaxy (toward
the Southeast). After our sun was born and most of the planets formed from dust
rings we drifted out in the Orion Arm toward Hercules (northwest) for two+
billion years.
Galaxies make
suns in dust clouds and send them out to make the body of the galaxy. After our
sun was born and the earth formed from dust around the sun a billion years of
volcanism gave earth a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere of 750 pounds per square
inch. {The December Astronomy magazine mentions that early Earth had an
atmosphere of 1,450
pounds per square inch and one third of that was carbon
dioxide. Now Co2 is only .033 percent and the government is using this as an
excuse to control us?}
Earth was about
one-third smaller diameter at that time. After that, we (our sun) drifted out
into the cold of space for a billion years and earth had an ice age that lasted
one billion years. All the oceans were frozen. Our sun didn’t burn as hot as it
does today.
After a billion
years of being covered with ice, earth and our sun drifted between Procyon and
Sirius A and B which are over a billion years older than our sun. These giant
stars orbit each other at 8 to 12
earth distances (AU) and each have about 8 times more gravity than our sun.
When little, Sirius B orbiting Sirius A every 54 years came around, it grabbed
hold of our sun and pulled it into orbit around Sirius A because they have 12
times more gravity than our sun. This was fortunate for us because the light
and heat from these giant stars melted the ice on earth and started plants to
grow in the oceans thereby releasing free oxygen.
For the next 700-million years
there were no ice caps on Earth and tropical plants grew at the poles because
we had light coming in from many directions 24-hours a day.
Our fortunate
capture by the Sirius system happened about 750 million years ago and was the
beginning of all complex multi-cellular life forms on earth. During the
Carboniferous Era the intense UV light from Sirius B laid down limestone layers
up to 12,500 feet
thick. (The 3.8 solar mass binary star system Sirius A & B is 8 light years
to the south and is the brightest star in the sky. We are heading toward it
right now at 7.5
kilometers per second are in orbit around it. In my
book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES we do the math to concur that our orbit period
exactly matches the last ICE AGE cycle.
The continental United
States from the Rocky
Mountains to the Carolinas was
laid down at time with limestone layers on average over 2,500 feet thick. [Look
up Carboniferous Era in Encyclopedia Britannica.] Carbon removed from the
atmosphere during that era was laid down in Pennsylvania and Virginia as coal layers up to a hundred feet
Coal is made
from grass and trees and plants. Anthracite or hard coal is compressed from
plant matter at a ration of 40 to 1. Soft coal is compressed down at a ration
of about 20 to 1. The point is, coal, oil, and limestone are made from carbon
dioxide using photosynthesis and ultraviolet light from space and the majority
of it came from Sirius B. Three million years ago an explosion went off in
Orion creating banard’s Loop . After that time
our solar system went into an elliptical orbit and Earth started to have small
ice caps for the first time in 700-million years.
We are now in a
105,000 elliptical orbit where we go out to nine light years and practically
stop. At present we are 8.5 light years and heading back toward Sirius at 7.5 kilometers per
second. Our orbit period is 105,000 years which directly corresponds with the
current Ice Age cycle.
Our sun does not
have enough power to keep us out of the ice ages otherwise we wouldn’t have
them! If you want to know more please read my book. Go or or Type in
Earth is loosing
its atmosphere. We have a limited time on earth. During Biblical times the
Oxygen was 35%. Reference books list it as 20% but it is down to about 18% yet
we go on burning things? At the time of the dinosaurs the atmospheric pressure
was around 30 to 60 pounds
per square inch. Now it is down to 14.5 pounds per square inch. Before our sun was
captured by the Sirius system earth had an atmosphere of 750 pounds per square
inch. Over time and it was laid down as limestone, coal and oil using
photosynthesis in the oceans and light from these stars. We have a limited time
to get our act together and get off the planet so that we can seed life in
other biospheres.
Here in Alaska we have lost a 60+ million dollar a
year crab fishery in lower Cook Inlet that
went directly into the pockets of the common folk and nobody seems to
understand or care. Between the EXXON VALDEZ oil spill and the ongoing oil tanker
discharges is a wonder we have any fishery at all.
Discharges of oil from shipping,
offshore extraction of oil, and transport of oil in pipelines is the result of
either accidents or "normal", deliberate operational discharges. Accidental discharges (oil spills)
occur when vessels collide or come in distress at sea (engine breakdown, fire,
explosion) and break open, or run aground close to the shore, or when there is
a blowout of an offshore oil well, or when a pipeline breaks. Much can be done
to avoid accidents, but there will always be unfortunate circumstances and
situations that cause accidents to happen. Operational discharges, on the other hand, are mostly deliberate
and "routine", and can to a very large extent be effectively
controlled and avoided. It is much a question combining available technical
solutions with information, education and a change of attitude among
ship-owners, mariners, offshore platform and pipeline operators.
Before international regulations were introduced to prevent oil pollution from ships, the normal practice for oil tankers was to wash out the cargo tanks with water and then pump the resulting mixture of oil and water into the sea. Also, oil cargo or fuel tanks were used for ballast water and, consequently, oil was discharged into the sea when tankers flushed out the oil-contaminated ballast water to replace it with new oil.
- Crude oil washing systems (COW)
means that the cargo tanks, where tankers carry the oil they transport,
are cleaned by means of high-pressure flushing with crude oil ("oil
to remove oil") or crude oil plus water. This reduces the quantity of
oil remaining on board after discharge. The residues from such tank
washing are pumped into slop tanks and left in a reception facility in
- Segregated ballast tanks (SBT).
Ballast water is taken on board to maintain stability, such as when a
vessel is sailing empty to pick up cargo or after having unloaded cargo.
Ballast water contained in segregated ballast tanks never come into
contact with either cargo oil or fuel oil.
- Clean ballast tanks. To have
so-called dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT) means that specific cargo
tanks are dedicated to carry ballast water only.
- Operational oil separation and
filtering equipment with an automatic stopping device. Bilge water
is produced when the machinery spaces of a vessel are cleaned. Leaking
cooling water often becomes contaminated with fuel oils and lubricant
oils. Vessels in operation produce oil-contaminated bilge water to a
variable extent. With the right equipment on board, dirty bilge water can
be processed in a way that separates most of the oil from the water before
it is discharged into the sea. If the oil content exceeds the limit, the
discharge is automatically stopped (bilge alarm).
Most sea areas are not Special Areas, but in accordance with international regulations under MARPOL, attempts are nevertheless made to make large oil tankers and product carriers have equipment for crude oil washing and segregated ballast tanks. According to MARPOL Annex I, adopted in 1978, all new crude oil tankers of 20,000 dwt and above, and all new product carriers (30,000 dwt and above), must have SBT. Existing tankers over 40,000 dwt must be fitted either with SBT or with COW systems. For an interim period it was also allowed for some tankers to use CBT.
All oil tankers and other large vessels must be fitted with the equipment described above for bilge water cleaning. However, it has been emphasized that bilge water also contains traces of detergents used in the cleaning process. When mixed, the residues of oil and detergents form a stable emulsion with another density than oil. This sometimes milk-like but highly oil-contaminated mixture is not always "recognized" by the separation and filtering equipment, and thus discharged into the sea.




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